InSAR observation around Mount Iwate volcano analysed by the GSI

藤原 智・中川弘之・村上 亮・西村卓也(国土地理院)・飛田幹男(建設大学校)
Satoshi Fujiwara (fujiwara@gsi-mc.go.jp), Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Makoto Murakami, Takuya Nishimura (Geographical Survey Institute) and Mikio Tobita (Construction College)

Mount Iwate is a volcano situated in northern Japan.  The last eruption was in 1919 and recently it has become active since 1995.  Furthermore, number of earthquakes increased dramatically in the end of April 1998.  Suddenly a large earthquake (moment magnitude Mw=6.1) occurred on 3 September 1998 to the southwest of Mount Iwate.  We show two-dimensional vector field maps of surface displacement (2.5-D displacement) associated with the large earthquake and preceding volcanic inflation, combining satellite radar interferometry images from two different track directions.  The detailed displacement revealed that there are two large ruptures associated with known active faults.


 使用データは,1996年4月から1998年10月までのdescending 6シーン,ascending 4シーンを使用した。一般に干渉SARは衛星-地表間の視線方向のみの変動が得られる。今回の解析ではdescendingとascendingの異なる軌道からのデータが得られている。そこで,異なる方向の観測の2つの視線方向を含む面上の変動ベクトルを合成し,疑似上方向と東西方向の変動に分離した。

Figure 1 Geometry of two orbits and the line-of-sight plane



Figure 2 (a) Quasi-upward and (b) eastward displacements from July 1998 to September 1998 around Mount Iwate (cm, contour interval is 2 cm), combining JERS-1 radar interferometry images from two different track directions.

Figure 3 Cross sections along lines shown in Figure 2