Name: OGUNI Kenji,
Position:Associate Professor
Division/Center: Division of Earth Mechanics
Research Area:

Last Update 06/20 2007



M.L.L. Wijerathne, K. Oguni and M. Hori, Tensor field tomography based on 3D photoelasticity, Mechanics of Materials, 34, 9, 533--545, 2002.

小国健二・堀宗朗・阪口秀, 破壊現象の解析に適した有限要素法の提案, 土木学会論文集, 766, I-68, 203--217, 2004.

M. Hori, K. Oguni and H. Sakaguchi, Proposal of FEM implemented with particle discretization for analysis of failure phenomena, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 53, 3, 681--703, 2005.

M. Saeki, J. Inoue, K.H. Khor, T. Kousaka, H. Honda, K. Oguni and M. Hori, Hierarchical Localization Algorithm Based on Inverse Delaunay Tessellation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3868, 180--195, 2006.

M. Hori and K. Oguni, New Finite Element Method Based on Reformulation of Discrete Element Method, Seventh U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 27-31, , 2003.

M.L.L. Wijerathne, K. Oguni and M. Hori, 3D stress field tomography based on photoelasticity, Second M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge,MA, USA, June 17-20, , Pergamon, 2003.