氏名前野 深
URL http://www.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/fmaeno/index.html

最終更新日 04/05 2017


1.火山噴火に伴う地表現象 (噴煙柱・火砕流・溶岩ドームなど) のダイナミクスと噴火堆積物の形成過程に関する地質学的研究. 2.地質および数値解析にもとづく火山性津波の発生・伝播過程に関する研究


前野深・谷口宏充, 薩摩硫黄島におけるカルデラ形成期以降の噴火史, 火山, 50, 71--85, 2005.

Maeno, F. and H. Taniguchi, Silicic lava dome growth in the 1934-1935 Showa Iwo-jima eruption, Kikai caldera, south of Kyushu, Japan, Bulletin of Volcanology, 68, 673--688, 2006.

Maeno, F., F. Imamura and H. Taniguchi, Numerical simulation of tsunamis generated by caldera collapse during the 7.3 ka Kikai eruption, Kyushu, Japan, Earth Planets Space, 58, 1013--1024, 2006.

Maeno, F. and Imamura, F., Numerical investigations of tsunamis generated by pyroclastic flows from the Kikai caldera, Japan, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L23303, doi:10.1029/2007GL031222, , 2007.

Maeno, F. and H. Taniguchi, Spatiotemporal evolution of a marine caldera-forming eruption, generating a low-aspect ratio pyroclastic flow, 7.3 ka, Kikai caldera, Japan: implication from near-vent eruptive deposits, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 167, 212--238, 2007.

Maeno, F. and H. Taniguchi, Sedimentation and welding processes of dilute pyroclastic density currents and fallout during a large-scale silicic eruption, Kikai caldera, Japan, Sedimentary Geology, 220, 227--242, 2009.

前野深, 大規模珪長質マグマ噴火におけるカルデラ形成のダナミクス, 火山, 54, 3, 113--121, 2009.

前野 深・鈴木由希・中田節也・小山悦郎・金子隆之・藤井敏嗣・宮村淳一・鬼澤真也・長井雅史, 浅間山2009年2月2日噴火の経緯と噴出物, 火山, 55, 3, 147--154, 2010.

Maeno F. and Imamura, F., Tsunami generation by a rapid entrance of pyroclastic flow into the sea during the 1883 Krakatau eruption, Indonesia, J. Geophys. Res., 116, B09205, doi:10.1029/2011JB008253, , 2011.

Maeno, F., Hogg, A.J., Sparks, R.S.J. and Matson, G.P., Unconfined slumping of a granular mass on a slope, Physics of Fluids, 25, 023302, doi:10.1063/1.4792707, , 2013.

Maeno, F., Nakada, S., Nagai, M. and Kozono, T., Ballistic ejecta and eruption condition of the vulcanian explosion of Shinmoedake volcano, Kirishima, Japan on 1 Feb, 2011, Earth Planets Space, 65, 609--621, 2013.

Maeno, F., Nagai, M, Nakada, S., Burden, R., Engwell, S., Suzuki, Y. and Kaneko, T., Constraining tephra dispersion and deposition from three subplinian explosions at Shinmoedake volcano, Kyushu, Japan, 2011, Bulletin of Volcanology, 76, 823, doi:10.1007/s00445-014-0823-9, , 2014.

Maeno, F., Nakada, S. and Kaneko, T., Morphological evolution of a new volcanic islet sustained by compound lava flows, Geology, 44, 259--262, 2016.

Maeno, F., Nakada, S., Oikawa, T., Yoshimoto, M., Komori, J., Ishizuka, Y., Takeshita, Y., Shimano, T., Kaneko, T. and Nagai, M., Reconstruction of a phreatic eruption on 27 September 2014 at Ontake volcano, central Japan, based on proximal pyroclastic density current and fallout deposits, Earth Planets Space, 68, 82, , 2016.

今村文彦・前野 深, 第3章6節 火山性津波. 井田喜明・谷口宏充編「火山爆発に迫る−噴火メカニズムの解明と火山災害の軽減−」, 東京大学出版会, 2009.