氏名金子 隆之
URL http://vrsserv.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/realvolc/

最終更新日 02/10 2021


ひまわり8号を始めとする様々な衛星画像を使って,噴⽕推移や噴⽕プロセスの解析を⾏っています.衛星観測による新しい切り⼝を含む視点から噴⽕推移を捕らえ,その系統的な整理や発⽣メカニズム等の検討を行うことを⽬指しています. 主な研究テーマ ・アジア太平洋域活⽕⼭リアルタイム観測システムの開発と⾼度化に関する研究 噴⽕現象と衛星画像双⽅の特徴 を検討し,リアルタイムで噴⽕状況の解析ができるシステムの開発を進める. ・性質の異なる衛星データの組合せによる噴⽕推移の解析 リアルタイム観測で得られる⾼頻度画像と様々なタイプの⾼分解能画像を効果的に組み合わせ,具体的な噴⽕状況を確認しつつ,活動変化を高い時間分解能で捉えることにより,詳しい噴⽕推移を明らかにする. ・噴⽕推移の⽐較分析 代表的な活動タイプについて,推移の共通点,相違点等を洗出し,推移過程の特徴を抽出すると共に,発⽣メカニズム,マグマシステムとの関係等を解明する.


Kaneko, T., Geochemistry of Quaternary basaltic lavas in the Norikura area, central Japan: Influence of the subcontinental upper mantle on the trace elements and Sr isotope compositions, J. Volcanol Getherm. Res., 64, 61--83, 1995.

Kaneko, T., A kinematic subduction model for the genesis of the backarc low-K volcanoes at double subduction zone, central Japan: Another volcanic front originated from the Philippine Sea plate subduction, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 66, 9--26, 1995.

Kaneko, T., I. Kaneoka and S. Kawachi, Geochemistry of Quaternary basalts from the Yatsugatake volcano, central Japan: Generation of an unusually deep Wadati-Benioff zone beneath the volcanic front by double-overlapping subduction, Geochem. J., 30, 155--173, 1996.

Kaneko, T. and Wooster, M. J., Landsat infrared analysis of fumarole activity at Unzen volcano: time-series comparison with gas and magma fluxes, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 89, 57--64, 1999.

Kaneko, T., Wooster M.J. and Nakada, S., Exogenous and endogenous growth of the Unzen lava dome examined by satellite infrared image analysis, Jour. Volcanol. Geotherm Res., 116, 151--160, 2002.

Kaneko, T., Yasuda, A., Shimano, T., Nakada, S., Fujii, T., Kanazawa, T., Nishizawa, A. and Matsumoto, Y., Submarine flank eruption preceding caldera subsidence during the Miyakejima 2000 eruption, Japan, Bull. Volcanol., 67, 243--253, 2005.

Kaneko, T., S. Nakada, M. Yoshimoto, T. Fujii, A. Yasuda , M. Yoneda and M. Aoyagi, Determination of burial age of the “Augustus' villa” (Italy), Geochem. J., 39, 573--578, 2005.

Kaneko, T. and M.J. Wooster, Satellite thermal analysis of the 1986 Izu-Oshima lava flows, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 89, 57--64, 2005.

T.Kaneko, A.Yasuda, T.Fujii, M.Yoshimoto, Crypto-magma chambers beneath Mt. Fuji, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 193, 161--170, 2010.

Kaneko, T., T. Koyama, A. Yasuda, M. Takeo, T. Yanagisawa, K. Kajiwara, and Y. Honda, Low-altitude remote sensing of volcanoes using an unmanned autonomous helicopter: an example of aeromagnetic observation at Izu-Oshima volcano, JAPAN, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32, 5-6, 1491--1504, 2011.

Kaneko, T., Maeno, F. and Nakada, S., 2014 Mount Ontake eruption: characteristics of the phreatic eruption as inferred from aerial observations, Earth Planets Space, 68, 72, 1--11, 2016.

Kaneko, T., Takasaki, K., Maeno, F., Wooster, M.J. and Yasuda, A., Himawari-8 infrared observations of the June-August 2015 Mt Raung eruption, Indonesia, Earth Planets Space, 70, 89, 1--9, 2018.

Kaneko, T., Yasuda, A., Yoshizaki, Y., Takasaki, K. and Honda, Y., Pseudo thermal anomalies in the shortwave infrared bands of the Himawari-8 AHI and their correction for volcano thermal observation, Earth Planets Space, 70, 175, 1--9 , 2018.

Kaneko, T., Maeno, F. and Yasuda, A., Observation of the eruption sequence and formation process of a temporary lava lake during the June-August 2015 Mt. Raung eruption, Indonesia, using high-resolution and high-frequency satellite image datasets, Jour. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 377, 17--32, 2019.

Kaneko, T., Maeno, F., Yasuda, A., Takeo, M. and Takasaki, K., The 2017 Nishinoshima eruption: combined analysis using Himawari-8 and multiple high-resolution satellite images, Earth Planets Space, 71, 140, 1--18, 2019.

Kaneko, T., Yasuda, A., Takasaki, K., Nakano, S., Fujii, T., Honda, Y., Kajiwara, K. and Murakami, H., A new infrared volcano monitoring using GCOM-C (SHIKISAI) satellite: applications to the Asia-Pacifc region, Earth Planets Space, 72, 115, 1--16, 2020.

Kaneko T, Yasuda A, Fujii T, Simple empirical method for estimating lava-effusion rate using nighttime Himawari-8 1.6-µm infrared images, Earth Planets Space, 73, 37, 1--10, 2021.