Name : ABE,  Katsuyuki
            Position : Professor
            Division/Center : Earthquake Information Center
            Area of Research : Seismology


The research activities cover various fields of seismology of global-to-local, great-to-small earthquakes towards a quantification of seismic
activity of the world. Topics of current interest include observational studies of earthquake magnitude and revision of the catalog of world
earthquakes; studies of earthquake mechanism from waveform analysis; computational simulation of tsunami generation and propagation;
quantification of tsunami source size and estimates of tsunami heights before arrival; studies of waveform similarity among foreshocks and
aftershocks; studies of hypocenter determination procedure; studies of the integration of real-time earthquake data; research surveys of
earthquake disasters in the world; instrumental re-evaluation of old earthquakes around the turn of the century; studies on the temporal
variation of swarm earthquake activity. An active effort is being made to operate broadband and wide-dynamic-range seismographs and
analyze their seismograms.


Kikuchi, M., Y. Yamanaka, K. Abe and Y. Morita, Source rupture process of the Papua New Guinea earthquake of the July 17, 1998 inferred from teleseismic body waves, Earth Planets Space, 51, 1319--1324, 1999.