Name : KANAZAWA,  Toshihiko
            Position : Professor
            Division/Center : Earthquake Observation Center
            Research Area : Marine Seismology


1.Study of the process of generation of earthquakes in seismogenic zones. We have online seismometers and tsunami meters connected by a seafloor optic cable to monitor the crustal activities associated with the subducting Pacific Plate off Sanriku, Japan. We also have many portable digital ocean-bottom seismometers (DOBS) and have had a number of array observations around Japan to investigate the characteristics of crustal activities in seismogenic zones.

2.Study of the velocity structures under the seafloor. We are having a one-year OBS observational experiment on the seafloor of the Phillipine Sea Plate (PHS). In the experiment, 15 DOBSs deployed along a profile of 2000 km which lies from Amami-Oshima to Guam will collect many earthquake datum to be used in the tomographic study of the PHS deep structures. The DOBSs are scheduled to be recovered during June and July, 2000.

3.Development of new instruments for marine geophysical measurements. We are focusing on the development of instruments to be used in the long-term observation of earthquakes in broad-band, the observation of crustal movements and the quasi-online observation on the seafloor. Newly developed instruments will make a breakthrough in geophysical knowledge of the earth dynamics.


 Ito, S., Hino, R., Shiobara, H., Shimamura, H., Kanazawa, T., Sato, T., Kasahara, J., and Hasegawa, A., Deep seismic structure of the seismogenic plate boundary in the off-Sanriku region, northeastern Japan, Tectonophysics, 319, 261--274, 2000.

Hino, R., Ito, S., Shiobara, H., Shimamura, H., Sato, T., Kanazawa, T., Kasahara, J., and Hasegawa, A., Aftershock distribution of the 1994 Sanriku-oki earthquake (Mw7.7) revealed by ocean bottom seismographic observation, J. Geophys. Res., 105, B9, 21697--21710, 2000.

Sugioka, H., Fukao, Y., Kanazawa, T., and Kanjo, K., Volcanic events associated with an enigmatic submarine earthquake, Geophys. J. Int., 142, 361--370, 2000.

Shipboard Scientific Party, West Pacific ION Project/Hammer Drill Engineering, Leg 191 Preliminary Report , Ocean Drilling Program, 1--58, 2000.