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Yatsugatake Geo-Electromagnetic Observatory

This is the former Yatsugatake Geomagnetic Observatory, which had been a standard magnetic observatory in the central part of Japan since 1970. The observatory changed its name to the Geo-Electromagnetic Observatory in 1994, recognizing the great importance of electric measurements, as well as magnetic ones, in earthquake prediction research. Accurate observations of electric and magnetic fields are taken continuously at the eastern foot of Mt. Yatsugatake in Nagano Prefecture.

The observatory acts as a reference station for various kinds of electromagnetic research in Japan. Meanwhile, magnetic and electric field variations are continuously monitored at a number of satellite stations in the Tokai and Izu regions to study crustal activities.

Satellite electric and magnetic stations (SHN, Fujimiya-Shinosaka; TAW, Tawaramine; HRN, Haruno; SAG, Sagara) and a resistivity station (OKN, Okuno) in Tokai and Izu regions.

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