1/f Quotes

I have attemped to deliver them (=lectures) in a spirit that should be recommended to all students embarking on the writing of their PhD theses: imagine that you are explaining your ideas to your former smart, but ignorant, self, at the beginning of your studies!
-- Richard P. Feynman (in Preface of "Feynman Lectures on Computation") (2020/12/28)
-- 内田樹 (in 身体(からだ)の言い分) (2020/12/19)
人間は,一個の精神の中に,子供と大人を同時に持っている. 子供の部分で恋を語り,芸術に接し,科学・技術や芸術を創造する. さらには正義を語る.
-- 司馬遼太郎 (in 街道をゆく四十 台湾紀行) (2020/09/30)
-- マーセル・セロー(in 極北(村上春樹訳)) (2018/8/7)
-- 四高子(in 石川四高記念館展示) (2016/12/29)
この故に我らは落膽せず、我らが外なる人は壞るれども、内なる人は日々に新なり。 それ我らが受くる暫くの輕き患難は、極めて大なる永遠の重き光榮を得しむるなり。 我らの顧みる所は見ゆるものにあらで見えぬものなればなり。見ゆるものは暫時にして、見えぬものは永遠に至るなり。 (That is why we do not waver; indeed, though this outer human nature of ours may be falling into decay, at the same time our inner human nature is renewed day by day. The temporary, light burden of our hardships is earning us for ever an utterly incomparable, eternal weight of glory, since what we aim for is not visible but invisible. Visible things are transitory, but invisible things eternal.)
-- パウロ (in コリント人への後の書 第四章) (2016/10/28)
あなたがすることのほとんどは無意味であるが, それでもしなくてはならない. そうしたことをするのは,世界を変えるためではなく, 世界によって自分が変えられないようにするためである. (Almost anything you do will be insignificant, but you must do it. We do these things not to change the world, but so that the world will not change us.)
-- Mahatma Gandhi (in 永続敗戦論 エピローグ by 白井聡) (2016/10/10)
人不知而不慍 不亦君子乎
-- 孔子(in 論語) (2011/11/21)
かなしみの数を 言い尽くすより 同じくちびるで そっとうたおう
-- 覚和歌子 (in いつも何度でも by ナターシャ・グジー) (2011/09/12)
にっぽんよ にっぽん わしらがお国  まだ守れるぞ 時間はあるぞ  どどんがどん.
-- (in 鳩子の海) (2011/03/26)

人生に解決策などない.前に進む力があるだけだ. つまりその力を作り出すしかない,そうすれば解決策は あとからついてくる.
-- サン=デグジュペリ(in 夜間飛行) (2011/01/27)
Come mothers and fathers / throughout the land
And don't criticize / what you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters / are beyond your command
Your old road is / rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one / if you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'
-- B. Dylan(in The Times They Are A-Changin') (2009/05/09)
見義不爲 無勇也
-- 孔子 (in 論語) (2009/02/02)

メンターとはまさに 「そのひとの前では自分が未熟であると認めることが少しも不安でない」 人のことだからです.

子どもたちはまず「言語的ひろがり」のうちに投じられるべきだと思います. 自分の手持ちの身体実感では推し量ることができないけれど,言葉だけは知っている. そういう言語状況こそが教育的であろう...

「学び」というのは自分には理解できない「高み」にいる人に呼び寄せられて, その人がしている「ゲーム」に巻き込まれるという形で進行します.

人間は批判され,査定され, 制約されることでそのパフォーマンスを向上するものではなく, 支持され,勇気づけられ, 自由を保障されることでオーバーアチーブを果たすものである.
-- 内田樹 (in 街場の教育論) (2009/1/4)

we shall be able to narrow the gap between the Omoris and the Immamuras.

I guess some people are good at completing something, and others are good at starting something. I propose that we do what we are good at ...

The joy of being a seismologist comes to you, when you find something new about the earth's interior from the observation of seismic waves obtained on the surface, and realize that you did it without penetrating the earth or touching or examining it directly.

A distinguished mathematician, working in the area of geophysical fluid dynamics, once confided to me that seismology is the only decent subject in geophysics. (He also said that seismologists are narrow and ignorant.)
-- Keiiti Aki (in the SSA presidential address "Possibilities of seismology in the 1980's", BSSA, 70, 1969-1976, 1980) (2009/1/3)

二十一世紀の半ば,思いもかけぬ大地震と地質変動で,日本列島が, わずかな高山頂をのこして,海底にしずんでから,この古い歴史をもつ, 文面度の高い,エネルギッシュな民族は,祖国を失った,さまよえる民となった.
-- 小松左京 (in 果てしなき流れの果てに) (2008/11/28)

rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth.
-- Christopher McCandless (in Into the Wild) (2008/11/02)

-- 安岡正篤 (in ) (2008/07/05)

-- G・ガルシア=マルケス (in 百年の孤独) (2008/05/09)

-- 吉田拓郎 (in 今日までそして明日から in つま恋2006) (2006/11/23)

もし人格というものが,人目につく素振り(ジェスチャー)の途切れない連続であるとすれば, この人物にはたしかに驚嘆すべきものがあった.人生のいくつかの約束に向けて, ぴったりと照準を合わせることのできるとぎすまされた感覚が,彼には備わっていたのだ. 一万マイル離れた場所に起こった地震 にさえも反応する精緻な計器につながれているかのように.
-- 村上春樹訳 (in グレート・ギャツビー by スコット・フィッツジェラルド) (2006/11/14)

We're all faced throughout our lives with agonizing decisions, moral choices. Some are on a grand scale, most of these choices are on lesser points. But we define ourselves by the choices we have made. We are, in fact, the sum total of our choices. Events unfold so unpredictably, so unfairly, Human happiness does not seem to be included in the design of creation. it is only we, with our capacity to love that give meaning to the indifferent universe. And yet, most human beings seem to have the ability to keep trying and even try to find joy from simple things, like their family, their work, and from the hope that future generations might understand more.
-- Professor Levy (in Crimes and Misdemeanors by Woody Allen) (2006/10/22)

統治者の器量は,一日の計で成されたことが百年の計になるか否かによっても 計られる
-- 塩野七生 (in ユリウス・カエサル ルビコン以前) (2006/09/17)

I have some advice for young people. Later on in your life, you're going to be wishing that you had some job security. My advice is to find a long-standing IMPORTANT problem that is not likely to go away. Then you become the world expert on this important problem.
-- Jon F. Claerbout (in Can Astronomy help us find V(x,y,z)? (36Mb, @12'15")) (2006/03/30)

The difference between theory and practice is smaller in theory than it is in practice. --folklore
-- Jon F. Claerbout (in IMAGE ESTIMATION BY EXAMPLE) (2006/03/06)

Are you aged 23? If so, this book is designed for you. Life has its discontinuities: when you enter school at age 5, when you marry, when you leave university, when you retire. The discontinuity at age 23, mid graduate school, is when the world loses interest in your potential to learn. Instead the world wants to know what you are accomplishing right now!
-- Jon F. Claerbout (in IMAGE ESTIMATION BY EXAMPLE) (2006/03/06)