the Normal Oceanic Mantle Project
presents a symposium on

"Structure and Dynamics of
the Oceanic Lithosphere/Asthenosphere System"

Accomodation & Registration:
Accommodation Fee
   single use 2 persons
double room (ocean view)   \15,120  \9,720
 twin room (ocean view)  \15,120  \9,720
 single room (no view)  \8,640  -
Registration Fee
regular \5,000
student  \0
For lively discussions during the workshop, we strongly encourage you to stay at Hotel Matsushima Taikanso where we hold the workshop.
Accommodation fee is per person per night and includes breakfast, lunch, and conference dinner. View from single rooms is extremely poor because they are designed for tour conductors rather than tourists. LOC will support students' hotel expense for 3 nights (Mar 3-6), but number may be limited. Supported studensts are appreciated to accept use of a shared room.
