Last Update 05/13 2019
Research: Publications: Hisayoshi Shimizu and David E. Loper, Time and length scales of buoyancy-driven flow structures in a rotating hydromagnetic fluid, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 104, 307--329, 1997. Hisayoshi Shimizu, Takao Koyama and Hisashi Utada, An observational constraint on the strength of the toroidal magnetic field at the CMB by time variation of submarine cable voltages, Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 21, 4023--4026, 1998. Hisayoshi Shimizu and Hisashi Utada, Ocean Hemisphere Geomagnetic Network: its instrumental design and perspective for long-term geomagnetic observations in the Pacific, Earth Planets Space, 51, 917--932, 1999. Hisayoshi Shimizu and David E. Loper, Small-scale helicity and alpha-effect in the Earth's core, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 121, 139--155, 2000. A. Chuillat, H. Shimizu, and D.E.Loper, Buoyancy-driven perturbations in a rapidly rotating, electrically conducting fluid. Part II. Dynamo action, Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 97, 6, 471--487, 2003. Shimizu, H. and H. Utada, The feasibility of using decadal changes in the geoelectric field to probe Earth's core, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 142, 297--319, 2004. A. Chulliat, D.E. Loper and H. Shimizu, Buoyancy-driven perturbations in a rapidly rotating, electrically conducting fluid: Part III -- Effect of the Lorentz force., Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 98, 6, 507--535, 2004. Shimizu, H, J.P. Poirier and J.L. Le Mouel, On crystallization at the inner core boundary, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 151, 37--51, 2005. Hisayoshi Shimizu, Takao Koyama, Kiyoshi Baba, and Hisashi Utada, Three-dimensional geomagnetic response functions for global and semi-global scale induction problems , Geophys. J. Int., 178, 1, 123--144, 2009. Shimizu, H., Koyama, T., Baba, K., and Utada, H., Revised 1-D mantle electrical conductivity structure beneath the north Pacific , Geophys. J. Int., 180, 1030--1048, 2010. Shimizu, H., Utada, H., Baba, K., Koyama, T., Obayashi, M., and Fukao, Y., Three-dimensional imaging of electrical conductivity in the mantle transition zone beneath the North Pacific Ocean by a semi-global induction study, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 183, 252--269, 2010. Shimizu, H., M. Matsushima, F. Takahashi, H. Shibuya and H. Tsunakawa, Constraint on the lunar core size from electromagnetic sounding based on magnetic field observations by an orbiting satellite, Icarus, 222, 32--43, 2013. Takahashi, F., Tsunakawa, H., Shimizu, H., Shibuya, H., and Matsushima, M., Reorientation of the early lunar pole, Nature Geoscience, doi: 10.1038/NGEO2150, , 2014. |