名前:堀 宗朗
            homepage : http://www.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/HORI-LAB/index.html



M. Hori and T. Koyama, Proposal of two grout analysis methods, J. Geotech. Eng., JSCE, III-47, 624, 31--38, 1999.

M. Hori and T. Koyama, Numerical simulation of grouting by two grout analysis methods, J. Geotech. Eng., JSCE, III-47, 624, 21--30, 1999.

M. Hori, T. Kameda, and N. Hosokawa, Formulation of identifying material property distribution based on equivalent inclusion method, Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng., JSCE, 16, 1, 21--30, 1999.

M. Hori and S. Munashinge, Generalized Hashin-Shtrikman variational principle for boundary-value problem of linear and non-linear heterogeneous body, Mechanics of Materials, 31, 471--486, 1999.

M. Anders and M. Hori, Stochastic finite element method for elasto-plastic body, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., 46, 1897--1916, 1999.

M. Hori and K. Ichikawa, Permeable flow analysis of cracked rock mass, Soils and Foundation, 39, 6, 1011--1018, 1999.

水谷俊夫,堀宗朗, 雁行状断層のモデル実験と応力場逆解析による構成則推定法, 応用力学論文集, 2, 7--13, 1999.

市村強,堀宗朗, 都市強震動予測のためのマクロ・ミクロ解析手法の現状について, 応用力学論文集, 2, 607--614, 1999.

M. Hori and S. Nemat-Nasser, On two micromechanics theories for determining micro-macro relations in heterogeneous solid, Mechanics of Materials, 31, 667--682, 1999.

K. Sudo, M. Hori, T. Sugai, K. Meguro, M. Nishiayama. Y. Umeda, M. Motosaka, Y. Kinugasa, A. Tanaka, I. Nkayabayashi, K. Kosa, and S. Mori, Preliminary report on the 17 August 1999 Koaceli Earthquake, Turkey, J. Natural Disaster Science, 21, 2, 65--85, 1999.

M. Hori and K. Oguni, Bifurcation and stability analyses of initiation and evolution of periodic defects, Localization and Bifurcation Theory for Soils and Rocks, 127--136, 1999.

K. Terada, M. Hori, T. Kyoya and N. Kikuchi, Simulation of the multi-scale convergence in computational homogenization approach, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 37, 2285--2311, 2000.

M. Hori and Y. Yamashita, Proposal of health monitoring system using ACROSS technology, 土木学会論文集, 17, 1, 37--46, 2000.

M. Hori, A. Sutoh and Y. Saitoh, Strong motion measurement using security video camera, 土木学会論文集, 17, 1, 47--56, 2000.

T. Ichimura and M. Hori, Macro-micro analysis for prediction of strong motion distribution in metropolis, 土木学会論文集, 17, 2, 175--185, 2000.

M. Hori and K. Oguni, Bifurcating initiation and evolution of periodic micro-defects, Materials Science and Engineering, A285, 122--129, 2000.

斉木功,寺田賢二郎,堀宗朗,池田清宏, 巨視的材料不安定性のマルチスケールモデリングにおける微視的構造周期のブロック対角化法による同定, 応用力学論文集, 2, 151--156, 2000.

市村強,堀宗朗, 時間領域二次元平面外波動場境界要素法へのパネルクラスタリング法の適用, 応用力学論文集, 2, 595--600, 2000.

マチェイアンドレ,堀宗朗, 地表地震断層発生のシミュレーションのための確率有限要素法の開発, 応用力学論文集, 2, 595--600, 2000.

北代州平,堀宗朗, 大地震早期検知のための強震動初期波形の理論・データ解析, 応用力学論文集, 2, 687--692, 2000.

M. Hori, Inversion of stress and constitutive relations using strain data for Japanese Islands, International Symposium on Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics II (ed. by M. Tanaka and G.S. Dulikravich), 349--358, 2000.

M. Hori, T. Kameda and T. Kato, Prediction of stress filed in Japan using GPS network data, Earth Planets Space, 52, 1101--1105, 2000.

M. Hori and T. Ichimura, Macro-micro analysis for wave propagation in highly heterogeneous media ・prediction of strong motion distributions in metropolis -, Proceedings of the International Workshop, Wave 2000 (ed. by N. Chouw and G. Schmid), Bochum, Germany, Dec. 13-15, Balkema, Rotterdam, 379--398, 2000.

M. Hori (contributor), An Introduction, Mechanics of Granular Materials, Balkema, 1999. 64, 3, 559--572, 2000.