Currently Visiting Researchers


Dr. Tarits
University of Western Brittany
2013/03/04 - 2013/06/03
Research Theme
Electrical conductivity distribution in the Earth: Global and regional approaches
Host Researcher
Hisashi UTADA
Self Introduction

I am Professor of Geophysics at University of Western Brittany at Institute for Marine Studies. My main research interests are in electromagnetic induction in the earth and planets. I worked many years in marine induction studies. Recently I started to study also both environmental and space electromagnetism. In my group in Brest we are also active in development of marine magnetic and electric systems. I was first invited by Professor H. Utada in 2006 then in 2007 to work on various electromagnetic induction projects. Since then, we formalized our cooperation with a Mou between our institute in the framework of which researchers from ERI visited in my institute. I am now visiting ERI for 3 months.. During my stay, I plan to work with my ERI colleagues on different project we started together and to discuss future joint projects.

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