Seismological in situ Estimation of Density Jumps across the Transition Zone Discontinuities beneath Japan

Mamoru Kato, and Hitoshi Kawakatsu
Geophys. Res. Lett., in press, 2001


We investigate the magnitude of shear-wave velocity and density jumps across the 410-km and 660-km discontinuities in the Earth's mantle. We estimate SS reflection and PS conversion coefficients from ScS reverberations and receiver-side P-S converted phases, respectively, using broadband seismograms recorded at stations in western Japan. Fractional changes of model parameters that satisfy our observations in the northwest Pacific are (Delta Vs, Delta rho)= (8.5%, 5.4%) for the 660-km discontinuity, and (4.9%, 1.9%) for the 410-km discontinuity.