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Workshops                                              General Assembly


Tuesday, 3 October 2017

The Prince Park Tower 

4-8-1 Shibakoen, Minato, Tokyo 105-0011


Room Sakura
Opening Remarks
Hiroyuki Tanaka (University of Tokyo) (10 min.)


Overview of the Git-LAB system
Takashi Kaito (20 min)

Instruction and Future Develoments at VMI

Cristiano Bozza (University of Salerno) (30 min)

Round Table Discussion
Participants (60 min)

11:30-12:00 Lunch Break
Room Sakura
WORKSHOP on Muography Arts

Muography Painting: Traditional Painting Inspired by the Advance S&T
Hiroshi Nakajima (UNESCO IAA) (20 min)

Muography Art Project at Kansai University and its Future Prospects

Takefumi Hayashi (Kansai University) (30 min)

Art at Compact Muon Solenoid: Towards a New Japan-EU Science Art Relationship based on Particle Physics, Michael Hoch (Art at Compact Muon Solenoid) (45 min.)

Physics and Astronomy Art Group at the University of Sheffield, Lee Thompson (University of Sheffield) (15 min.)

International Activities at Kansai University, Yutaka Maeda (Kansai University) (20 min)

Round Table Discussion
Participants (60 min)
Coffee Break
Room Sakura
WORKSHOP on Japan-EU Cooperation

Example of the Japan-France Joint Venture,
Catherine Truffert (IRIS) (20 min)

Role of Early Stage Researchers in European Muography Network (EMN), Andrea Giammanco (UCL) (20 min) 

Status of the Detector Development Group at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
, Dezso Varga (Wigner RCP) (20 min.)

Techinical Requiremends to Accept Early Stage Researchers at NEC
, Toshiaki Tanaka (NEC) (20 min)

Round Table Discussion
Participants (60 min)

General Discussion
Participants (60 min)

Organised by the Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo, the MTA WIGNER Research Centre for Physics, INFN, INGV, BRGM, CNRS, CEA, Kansai University, the University  of Sheffield, IRIS Instruments.
Hosted by the Embassy of France