June 26-27, 2008
Tokyo, JAPAN





Program and Abstract


Author Index

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Earth Core Workshop



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For the purpose of radiography, recent developments in muon and neutrino detectors make it possible to detect the muon and neutrino particles with high statistics and therefore in great detail. Because of their relevance for a variety of related fields of research, neutrino and muon physics will be a major focus in geophysical research. It is likely that several crucial questions concerning geodynamics and related fields such as volcanology and tectonics will be answered. The successful operation of such detectors, therefore, may very well represent the birth of a new technique for the study of fundamental issues in these fields.

The International Workshop on High Energy Earth Science will be devoted to addressing the main current issues in this research area to form a research network aimed at fostering scientific collaboration on neutrino physics, muon phyics, positron physics and geophysics. The purpose of the workshop is to review recent developments in muon and neutrino radiography design, the associated R&D program, and the evolving geophysical program that motivates high energy earth science.

                                                                                     Hiroyuki KM Tanaka
Possible topics for plenary presentations include:
- Cosmic ray muon radiography
- Atsmospheric neutrino radiography
- Volcanology
- Core-mantle dynamics
- Positron spectroscopy
- Related planetary science

This workshop is hosted by the ERI, Earthquake Research Institute at the University of Tokyo. Attendance will be limited to 50 participants by the capacity of the auditorium of the conference hotel.




Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Chinzan-so

ERI Links


For any inquiries, please contact: International Workshop Secretariat c/o ISS, INC.
E-mail: hes@issjp.com / Fax: +81-3-3230-3725 / URL: http://www.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ht/workshop08/