金曜日セミナー 2007 年度の記録

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2007 年度の講演者・講演タイトル一覧

-- アブストラクトへ飛ぶ
Presentation title
酒井 慎一
Shinichi Sakai
Earthquake Observation Center
Purnchandra Rao
National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India, 地震研客員
New Tectonic Insights into the Burma-Andaman-Sumatra subduction Zone
Sophie Peyrat
Institut de Physique Globe de Paris
Simulation of earthquake rupture dynamics: what did we learn from observations?
Jean-Pierre Vilotte
Institut de Physique Globe de Paris
Toward an Integrated Plate Observatory in Chile: objectives and progress
金 裕錫
Yousok Kim
Division of Disaster Mitigation Science
井出 哲
Satoshi Ide
Department of Earth and Planetary Science
谷本 俊郎
Toshiro Tanimoto
UC Santa Barbara
勝俣 啓
Kei Katsumata
Earthquake Prediction Research Center
中谷 正生
Masao Nakatani
Earthquake Prediction Research Center
Roles of small earthuqakes -in a lot of ways.
堀 輝人
Teruhito Hori
Division of Monitoring and Computational Geoscience
土屋 卓久
Taku Tsuchiya
Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime Univ.

Jean-Paul Ampuero
Earthquake Prediction Research Center
Earthquake dynamics on bimaterial faults
Christian Klose
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Univ., U.S.
Geomechanical Modeling of the Nucleation Process of the 1989 Newcastle Earthquake in Australia
一瀬 建日
Takehi Isse
Ocean Hemisphere Research Center
川村 光
Hikaru Kawamura
大阪大学 理学研究科 宇宙地球科学専攻
Dep. of Earth and Space Sci., Grad. Sch. of Sci., Osaka Univ.

Jean-Paul Montagner
Ocean Hemisphere Research Center
Time-reversal imaging in long-period seismology
岩森 光
Hikaru Iwamori
Department of Earth and Planetary Science
佐竹 健治
Kenji Satake
Earthquake Information Center
Jonathan M. Lees
The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Waveform Modeling of Volcano Explosions
Jeff McGuire
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Seismic Cycles and Earthquake Predictability on East Pacific Rise Transform Faults

2007 年度のアブストラクト

-- 講演者・タイトルの一覧へ飛ぶ
酒井 慎一
Shinichi Sakai
Earthquake Observation Center

Hi-net 等の各種観測網が整備され、気象庁一元化震源が配信される中で、大学の研究者が行う観測は必要があるのか、を考えてみる。監視業務としての広域観測網の維持という役目はなくなったと思うが、明らかなターゲットがある機動観測に重点を置くこくだけでなく、あらかじめ目的を持ったテレメータ観測も引き続き行う必要がある。これまでに観測から明らかになった現象を示し、今後の観測網でどんなデータを得ることを期待しているのかに関して言及する。

New Tectonic Insights into the Burma-Andaman-Sumatra subduction Zone
Purnchandra Rao
National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India, 地震研客員

The Burmese arc on the eastern margin of the Indian plate is a complex region where the plate tectonic scenario has been enigmatic for a long time. Based on focal mechanism data and stress inversion studies it appears that in comparison to worldwide subduction zones, the Burmese arc is a unique zone where an eastward subducted lithospheric slab exists but the subduction process has come to an end. Instead, an overturned lithospheric configuration has been attained due to resistance to slab penetration at the 410 km mantle discontinuity, in course of the clockwise rotation of the Sundaland and westward migration of the arc. This feature is also evidenced by images of seismic tomography in this region. Normally, such resistance to a sinking slab is common at the 660 km discontinuity which represents a density phase change with a negative Pressure-Temperature slope, where as the 410 km discontinuity with a positive slope facilitates sinking of the lithosphere. However, in the Burmese arc it appears that a unique resistance has been encountered at the 410 km discontinuity, possibly governed by very low plate velocity and slab width. There could also be implications for anomalous physical and chemical properties in both the slab and the mantle underneath. Further, detachment of the Indian slab at the base of the lithospheric contact zone is proposed as a special case of gravitational loading leading to reverse faulting, associated with slab detachment away from the dip direction.

Further south, lies another complex tectonic region - the Andaman-Sumatra arc which witnessed the devastating tsunamigenic earthquake of magnitude 9.1 on 26 December 2004. This was quickly followed by another one further south on 28 March 2005 (M8.6), a unique occurrence of two great earthquakes in such close spatial proximity and succession. A comparative study of seismicity and GPS data corresponding to these two earthquakes located close to a quadruple plate junction suggests that the first one was confined to the India-Burma plate boundary, where as the second one was triggered on the adjoining segment of the Australia-Sunda plate boundary. We suggest the possibility of a lithospheric split separating differentially subducting India and Australia plates that acts as a stress barrier at the junction. Analysis of the world’s greatest earthquakes in the past century (magnitude 8.5 - 9.5) indicates a strong correlation with locations of plate junctions. In general, it appears that triple and quadruple plate junctions in convergent zones are capable of sustaining much larger stress build-up, and hence, are potential targets for future great earthquakes, a hypothesis that gains strength from 2D Finite Element Modeling study.

Simulation of earthquake rupture dynamics: what did we learn from observations?
Sophie Peyrat
Institut de Physique Globe de Paris

Earthquakes are complex phenomena that result from the coupled interaction of several fundamental physical processes. Seismic sources are complex in the disordered propagation of their rupture fronts and the heterogeneous distributions of residual stress. Among the many open issues in this field are the questions of the origins of the complexity, and whether different kinds of complexity might be related to one another and, if so, how. Is it primarily geometric in origin or primarily dynamic? It seems likely that both concepts contain some elements of the truth and that neither is a complete description of the behavior.

The source process can be studied from different perspectives and using a variety of methods. Up to now, earthquakes source was mainly studied with kinematic inversions in order to infer the slip and slip-velocity histories over the fault from data, which has some important limitations, in particular unphysical constraints on the rupture velocity and the choice of source-time function.

In the other hand, earthquake source dynamics provides key elements for the prediction of strong ground motion and for understanding the physics of earthquake initiation, propagation and healing.

I studied the influence of initial conditions on the propagation of dynamic rupture and simultaneously modeling of the observations in order to get a better knowledge of dynamic rupture process during earthquakes. The propagation of the rupture is extremely sensitive to small changes in the distributions of the initial conditions. The level and variations of the heterogeneities affect the rupture and the propagating waves in a strongly non-linear way. As long as we stay close to critical conditions, rupture seems to be controlled mainly by these initial conditions. Heterogeneities control rupture propagation very closely, and rupture extends following a relatively clear pattern. These results suggest that modeling of initial stress and friction parameters can lead to a greater knowledge of rupture process.

Finally, I have developed a fully systematic, nonlinear inversion method to estimate dynamic rupture parameters using a Neighbourhood algorithm. The method provides an objective means of routinely estimating dynamic rupture parameters for large earthquakes. This method provides an ensemble of nearly equally acceptable rupture models, with resolution comparable to kinematic inversions. The goal of this method is to systematize the construction of dynamic rupture models from data, and consequently, to acquire information on initial conditions before an earthquake. But, because it’s difficult to separately estimate dynamic parameters, the main remaining problem for dynamic inversion could be to find a better parameter to characterize the rupture.

Toward an Integrated Plate Observatory in Chile : objectives and progress
Jean-Pierre Vilotte
Institut de Physique Globe de Paris

Chile is a unique natural laboratory for instrumentation and study of subduction-zone earthquakes. It has one of the highest levels of seismic activity in the world. Seismic risk in Chile is associated with three main types of earthquakes: intraplate, shallow depths and large subduction earthquakes. In collaboration with the University of Chile (Santiago) and the GFZ (Potsdam), attention is focussed on the regions of Central (30°S-37°S) and North Chile (27°S-18°S). The collaborative efforts combine permanent broadband, accelerometric and geodetic (cGPS, inclinometry) telemetered networks and SAR interferometry. The objectives of this Integrated Plate Observatory is targeted toward the study of the seismicity in North and Central Chile, intraplate earthquakes at intermediate depths and the seismic/aseismic coupling (tremors and slip transients). In this talk, I will briefly discuss the seismological context of North and Central Chile and the on going progress of the project. I will also discuss recent analysis of the intermediate depth Tarapaca earthquake (Mw=7.9, 13 juin 2005).

金 裕錫
Yousok Kim
Division of Disaster Mitigation Science

地震動を受ける建物の地震応答の推定は,より安全かつ経済的な耐震設計における重要な課題であり,それを目的とする実験および解析的研究が数多く行われている.その中で,実大三次元震動破壊実験施設である E-Defense で行われた鉄筋コンクリート造実大 6 層建物の震動実験は,今まで蓄積された構造実験および解析技術の反映とともに今後の更なる研究課題の提示を試みた取組みといえる。一方,本実大実験が実状に近い建物の破壊過程を成功に再現したものの,実際の現状を再現するにはまだ不十分であり,実際の建物に対する地震時挙動の計測および分析が必要である.セミナでは,実大破壊震動実験結果を用い,現在の解析手法により地震動を受ける建物の破壊に至るまでの挙動が再現できるかどうかの確認とともに,地震研究所 1,2,3 号館総合観測システムを活用した建物の地震時挙動の評価について述べる.

井出 哲
Satoshi Ide
Department of Earth and Planetary Science

2000 年ごろから西日本の南海トラフ沿いで深部低周波地震、深部低周波微動、超低周波地震、スロースリップなどとよばれる現象が次々に発見された。また同様の現象は世界各地で観測されている。これらの現象のうち特に四国西部で発生するものに対して我々は地震波の解析から以下のことを示した。

  • 低周波地震の発生領域はプレート境界に対応する (Shelly et al., 2006)
  • 低周波地震のメカニズムは低角逆断層である (Ide et al., 2007a)
  • 低周波微動は低周波地震の群発活動である (Shelly et al., 2007)
  • すべての現象は地震モーメントレート一定のスケール法則に従う(Ide et al., 2007b)


  • Ide, S., D. R. Shelly, and G. C. Beroza, The mechanism of deep low frequency earthquakes: Further evidence that deep non-volcanic tremor is generated by shear slip on the plate interface, GRL, 34, doi:10.1029/2006GL028890, 2007a.
  • Ide, S., G. C. Beroza, D. R. Shelly and T. Uchide, A scaling law for slow earthquakes, Nature, 447, 76-79, 2007b.
  • Shelly, D. R., G. C. Beroza, S. Ide, and S. Nakamula, Low-frequency earthquakes in Shikoku, Japan and their relationship to episodic tremor and slip, Nature, 442, 188-191, 2006.
  • Shelly, D. R., G. C. Beroza, and S. Ide, Non-volcanic tremor and low-frequency earthquake swarms, Nature, 446, 305-307, 2007.
谷本 俊郎
Toshiro Tanimoto
UC Santa Barbara

アポロ 17 号によって 設置された Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment は 1972 年から 観測がありますが 1976 年 8 月 15 日から 1977 年 4 月 24 日まで 連続記録をとりました。このデータに最近のクロスコレレーションの解析を用いると レイリー波が見えるということはすでに Larose et al. (2005) によって 報告されています。しかし このデータを もっと丹念に見ると 新たに得られる知見があります。

まず 第一に 熱震(月震の一種)の統計との比較からコレレーションがうまくいく理由は熱震がノイズを起こしてくれるからだということが 言えます。地球に場合には主に海の波によるノイズが 助けてくれるのと似ていますが 熱震によりデータがとれるとしたら 将来 他の惑星での seismology にも希望をあたえてくれます。(海のある惑星はすくないので)

第 2 のポイントは アポロのレイリー波の群速度をはかると 高い周期で(7-9ヘルツ) 表面の温度と相関があることが示されます。月の表面は 29.5 日の周期で 100 K と 380 K の間をふれますが温度による 地震波速度の変化が検出できます。 このことから 表面ちかくでの熱拡散率にバウンドをあたえることができます。月の熱拡散率は 報告がありますが地震のデータからも あるていどのバウンドを あたえることができれば熱流量の再解釈等の可能性もあるかもしれません。

主にこの 2 点について 地震のデータの解析に重きをおいて お話しします。

勝俣 啓
Kei Katsumata
Earthquake Prediction Research Center

地震活動の時間変化をモニターして地震発生を予知しようという研究は数え切れないほどあるが、これはそれほど簡単なことではない。大学と気象庁の地震観測網の一元化やHi-netの展開によって小さい地震まで高精度で震源決定されるようになったが、皮肉なことに、時間変化の長期モニタリングにとってはマイナスである。それはなぜか?どのように対処したら良いのか?そしてこれらの観測網から得られた地震カタログを用いて、中期的な地震予知はできるのか?セミナーでは 2003 年十勝沖地震を例にとり説明したい。

着任セミナー:Roles of small earthuqakes - in a lot of ways.
中谷 正生
Masao Nakatani
Earthquake Prediction Research Center

I have recently started a project that has been sitting in my mind for years. Ishibe-san is now checking if any "less than charecteristic" earthquakes ever occurred as a partial rupture of the huge locked part of the subduction interface. I aniticipate No.

Althoguh many numerical models, where smaller earthquakes are partial rupture of the dominant fault, boast that they could reproduce GR statistics, this does not seem to be the case. In reality, vast majoirty of the events are off the dominant fault. Then, what are small earthquakes? For example, are they the charectersitc earthquake of each of many smaller faults? What does the spatial and temporal variation of thier occurence pattern mean? What loads them up to failure?

Once we dismiss the idea that smaller earthquakes are ruptures that failed to grow large, an idea often implicit in seismologists' thinkings, it is realized that we know very little about the fundamental mechanics of small earthquakes. This fact alone makes small earthquakes a major research target, not to mention the richness in their behaviors. In addition, they are possibly the only realistic source of information about the physical state at seismogenic depths.

To start modeling, I propose to distinguish "major" vs. "minor" faults as follows; Faults that are driven directly by aseismic dislocation across its deeper extension are major faults. Minor faults do not have such an engine and must be loaded by stress transfer through the elastic volume.

At last, I point out that the dismissal of partial asperity rupture has profound implications also on the rupture mechanics of large earthquakes. Firstly, we no longer worry about the scaling between the nucleation and final rupture size. Secondly, the observed dependence of fracture resistance on earthquake size does not have to emerge dynamically through cool mechanisms such as multi-scale heterogeniety. We can assign different but static values to each fault according to the size of the fault.

堀 輝人
Teruhito Hori
Division of Monitoring and Computational Geoscience


土屋 卓久
Taku Tsuchiya
Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime Univ.


Earthquake dynamics on bimaterial faults
Ampuero Jean-Paul
Earthquake Prediction Research Center

Faults typically separate rocks with different physical properties. In-plane dynamic ruptures on these "bimaterial faults" have, in theory, remarkable features: in contrast to slip between similar media, slip along a bimaterial fault generates changes of normal stress, with sign dependent on rupture direction, that modify asymmetrically the fault strength. This would suggest that earthquakes occuring on bimaterial faults tend to propagate in a preferred direction, the direction of motion of the most compliant medium. However, this is currently a debated issue. I will summarize the relevant theoretical background and available observations. To elucidate the issue of a preferred rupture direction, I will discuss the role of different physical ingredients and assumptions, mainly through numerical simulations and analytical insight. I will emphasize the distinction between the strictly unilateral ruptures predicted by early theoretical studies, and the macroscopically asymmetric ruptures that emerge in the presence of fault heterogeneities, in a statistical sense. I will focus on the role of velocity-weakening friction in enhancing the tendency for macroscopic rupture asymmetry. I will finally summarize the remaining open questions and current research lines on this topic.

Geomechanical Modeling of the Nucleation Process of the 1989 Newcastle Earthquake in Australia
Christian Klose
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Univ., U.S.

Inherent to black-coal mining in New South Wales (Australia) since 1801, the discharge of ground water may have triggered the Mw = 5.6 Newcastle earthquake in 1989. 4-dimensional geomechanical model simulations reveal that widespread water removal and coal as deep as a 500 m depth resulted in an unload of the Earth's crust. This unload caused a destabilization process of the pre-existing Newcastle fault in the interior of the crust beneath the Newcastle coal field. In tandem, an increase in shear stress and a decrease in normal stress may have reactivated this reverse fault. Over the course of the last fifty years, elevated levels of lithostatic stress alterations have accelerated. In 1991, based on the modeling of the crust's elastostatic response to the unload, there has been the minimal critical shear stress changes of 0.01 Mega Pascal (0.1 bar) that reached the Newcastle fault at a depth where the 1989 mainshock nucleated. Hence, it can be anticipated that other faults might also be critically stressed in that region for a couple of reasons. First, the size of the area (volume) that is affected by the induced stress changes is larger than the ruptured area of the Newcastle fault. Second, the seismic moment magnitude of the 1989 M5.6 Newcastle earthquake is associated with only a fraction of mass removal (1 of 55), following McGarr's mass-moment relationship. Lastly, these findings confirm ongoing seismicity in the Newcastle region since the beginning of the 19th century after a dormant period of 10,000 years of no seismicity.

一瀬 建日
Takehi Isse
Ocean Hemisphere Research Center

地球内部構造を地震学的に解析する際の大きな問題点として地震発生場所と地震観測点の偏在があげられる。この結果、得られる 3 次元地球モデルの解像度が十分でない場所が存在する。例えば太平洋中央部の上部マントル部分等。しかし、地震研究所において 1990 年代後半に開発され実用化された広帯域海底地震計の登場によりこの問題は解消されつつある。

本セミナーでは海底広帯域地震観測により初めて明らかになった太平北西部・中央部の詳細な 3 次元上部マントル構造について紹介する。また得られた構造が示唆する伊豆小笠原島弧のマントルウエッジの特徴や太平洋下のマントルプルームの形状について述べるとともに今後の海底広帯域観測計画について述べる。

川村 光
Hikaru Kawamura
大阪大学 理学研究科 宇宙地球科学専攻
Dep. of Earth and Space Sci., Grad. Sch. of Sci., Osaka Univ.

地震は言うまでもなく大変複雑な現象であるが、多数のイベントにわたって平均した統計的諸性質には規則性・普遍性が現れることも知られている。その際、ベキ乗則的・臨界的な振る舞いがしばしば観測される。ベキ乗則は現象がスケール不変であることを意味するから、これは地震現象に特徴的なエネルギーや時間スケールが無いことを意味する(Gutenberg-Richter 則、大森則等)。他方、地震現象はアスペリティや固有地震といった猫像に基づいて語られることも多いが、これは明らかに地震現象に特徴的なスケールが存在する事を前提としている。これらの地震に対する一見相反する2つの猫像が実際どのような関係にあるのかは、統計物理的観点からも極めて興味深い問題である。

地震は、プレートの運動によって駆動された断層が示す固着-すべり不安定性として理解できよう。即ち物性論的観点からは、地震の統計的諸性質は摩擦構成則や地殻の弾性的性質といった物性によって決まっているはずである。これらをリンクさせるのは物性物理的にもチャレンジングな課題であるが、摩擦(破壊)の物理学は未だ primitive な状況にあり、大変難しい問題でもある。


  • T. Mori and H. Kawamura, PRL 94, 058501 (2005); JGR 111, B07302 (2006).
  • A. Ohmura and H. Kawamura, Europhys. Letters 77, 69001 (2007).
  • T. Mori and H. Kawamura, JGR in press (2008).
  • T. Kotani, H. Yoshino and H. Kawamura, Phys. Rev. E, in press (2008).
  • H. Kawamura, in "Modelling critical and catastrophic phenomena in geoscience: A statistical physics approach", ed. by P. Bhattacharryya and B. K.Chakrabarti, Springer (2006) p.223.
Time-reversal imaging in long-period seismology
Jean-Paul Montagner
Ocean Hemisphere Research Center

Time-reversal methods were successfully applied in the past to acoustic waves in many fields such as medical imaging, underwater acoustics, non destructive testing and recently to seismic waves in seismology for earthquake imaging. The increasing power of computers and numerical methods (such as spectral element methods) enables one to simulate more and more accurately the propagation of seismic waves in heterogeneous media and to develop new applications, in particular time reversal in the three-dimensional Earth. Generalizing the scalar approach of Draeger and Fink (1999), the theoretical understanding of time-reversal method can be addressed for the 3D- elastic Earth by using normal mode theory. It is shown how to relate time-reversal methods on one hand, with auto-correlation of seismograms for source imaging and on the other hand, with cross-correlation between receivers for structural imaging and retrieving Green function. In the case of source imaging, automatic location in time and space of earthquakes and unknown sources is obtained by time reversal technique. In the case of big earthquakes such as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of december 2004, we were able to reconstruct the spatio-temporal history of the rupture. We present here some new applications at the global scale of these techniques on synthetic tests and on real data.

岩森 光
Hikaru Iwamori
Department of Earth and Planetary Science

近年、情報科学分野で発達してきた「独立成分分析」の概念と手法を用いて、海嶺玄武岩(MORB)と海洋島玄武岩(OIB)の同位体組成空間の解析を行った結果、新たな構造と 2 つの独立成分(IC1とIC2)が見い出された(Iwamori and Albarede, 2008)。これらの玄武岩のの同位体比(Pb, Sr, Nd, Hf)からなる組成空間は、たかだか 2 つの独立成分(ベクトル)によって張られること、および独立成分空間においては、データ分布が homogeneous joint distribution に近い構造をもつことなどが明らかとなった。この結果は、マントルの同位体比不均質が、数多くの「端成分」(DMM, EM, FOZO/C, HIMUなど)の相互作用によって形成されているのではなく、 2 つの元素分別プロセスが相互にプロセッシングしあうことによって形成されていることを示している。これらの 2 つの プロセスの実体は、独立成分の化学的性質を考慮した結果、溶融に伴う元素分別 (IC1) と、水溶液−岩石反応に伴う元素分別 (IC2) であることが推測される。海嶺で生み出されたMORB(メルト成分)や溶け残りマントル(メルト成分に乏しい)が沈み込む際に脱水し、その水はマントルウエッジ(ここにもリサイクルしたMORBやその溶け残りが存在)に付加される。これらの過程で、さまざまな割合で脱水−加水をうけたメルト成分に富む部分と乏しい部分が生み出され、独立なしかし重なり合う元素分別プロセスがIC1とIC2を生んだと推測される。マントルの不均質性が、たった 2 つの表層近傍プロセスによって生み出され、それ以外の分別プロセス(例えば、マントルとコアの反応)はマントル対流システム外にあると考えられる。これは 142Nd に基づく地球初期の大規模分別の証拠(Boyet and Carlson, 2005)とも調和的である。プレートの沈み込みの際、含水スラブの脱水反応は主に 200 km 以浅で起こり、沈み込み帯に火成−変成作用をもたらすが、スラブ直上のマントルウエッジ底部は、なお数百から数千 ppm の水を nominally anhydrous minerals に含んだまま沈み込み、遷移層にまで水を持ち込むことが予想されている。その水のフラックスは、海嶺やホットスポット 火成活動での脱ガスフラックスに匹敵するあるいは上回る (Iwamori, 2007)。これらの「水および親水性成分」が上記の独立成分の一つ (IC2) に対応すると考えられ、この成分をグローバルにマッピングすることによって、マントル対流の方向や広がりを(過去に遡って)推定できる可能性がある。

佐竹 健治
Kenji Satake
Earthquake Information Center

史上最悪の津波被害をもたらした 2004 年スマトラ島沖の巨大地震は,地震学的にも重要な問題を提起した.これまでM 8以下の地震しか知られていなかったインド洋で,想定外のM 9クラスの超巨大地震が発生したことである.日本も含めた他の地域でもM 9クラスの地震が発生する可能性があるのだろうか?

2004 年スマトラ島沖地震の津波観測データ(検潮記録と衛星海面高度計)のインバージョンによれば,断層面上のすべり量は最大25 mであった.インド洋とビルマプレートとの相対速度は 5 cm/yr 程度であるから,最大 500 年程度の繰り返し間隔で同様な地震が繰り返す可能性がある.実際,2005 年以降に行われた古地震学的な調査から,過去に似たような超巨大地震が発生していたことがわかりつつある.

同様な古地震調査から,北米・南米,さらには日本においても,計器観測が始まってからは知られていないような巨大地震や津波が 500〜1000 年程度の間隔で発生してきたこと,最近では千島海溝で 17 世紀に,日本海溝で 9 世紀に発生したことがわかってきた.これらの巨大地震は,いくつかのセグメントが同時に破壊した連動型地震である可能性が高い.海溝型地震の長期予測の精度向上のためには,連動型地震について,その履歴,地学的環境との関係,スケーリング,相互作用などを明らかにしていく必要がある.

  • Satake, K. and B. F. Atwater, Long-term perspectives on giant earthquakes and tsunamis at subduction zones, Annu. Rev. Earth Planet Sci., 35, 349-274, 2007.
Waveform Modeling of Volcano Explosions
Jonathan M. Lees
The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Volcanic explosions take place at the boundary between the earth and the atmosphere, and thus represent a significant interface between solid earth and atmospheric environments. Multi-parameter waveform observations of volcanic activity can provide new and detailed information on the volcano-atmosphere interface and illuminate the physical processes governing the interaction of thermal fluids escaping the earth. Recent investigations at several volcanoes utilize seismic, acoustic and visual observations to constrain the evolution of explosive activity. We present evidence of non-linear eruptive activity at several exploding volcanoes and relate these to physical models of the conduit systems. In particular we show that activity can be modeled as choked fluid flow through narrow conduits near surface vents, analogous to a common kitchen pressure cooker. The conduit models provide a basis for understanding small scale eruptive activity and may be useful for hazard mitigation where long term volcanic activity poses a significant human hazard. Examples from Karymsky Volcano, Russia, Reventador and Sangay Volcanoes, Ecuador will be used to illustrate the processes.

In January, 2007, Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala, erupted explosively approximately once per hour. Over a period of several days we recorded numerous explosions at distances of 1-6 km from the active vent. The active vent erupts frequently, venting gas and pyroclastics for durations of tens of seconds. The explosions can be classified by cluster analysis into at least two or more groups - where the strongest explosions share a considerable similarity in waveform. The explosions have equivalent estimated magnitudes ranging from 1 to 5 based on Tuboi's (1954) formula and peak frequencies ranging from 0.8 to 1.6 Hz. The initiation of these events (explosions/implosions) is associated with LP earthquake generation (of finite source duration: 1-2 s) which we seek to explain using several potential models. Using synthetic Green's functions (Nishimura, 1993) we found that a single vertical forcing function source reproduced the basic form of the initial arrival on the observed vertical component velocity seismograms, although radial components were not well synthesized with this simple model. Since we have available detailed high resolution video of the surface response to explosions, a detailed source time function can be used to refine the synthetic and this is being investigated.

Seismic Cycles and Earthquake Predictability on East Pacific Rise Transform Faults
Jeff McGuire
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

The concept of a seismic cycle, where the stress on a fault repeatedly builds up over a long period of time and then is rapidly released in a large earthquake, influences studies of both the basic physics of faulting and applied research aimed at estimating earthquake hazards. This hypothesis suggests that large earthquakes might be quasiperiodic and that the probability of a particular portion of a fault rupturing twice in quick succession should be low. However, this basic hypothesis has been difficult to verify owing to the long repeat times of the largest earthquakes on most faults. East Pacific Rise transform faults are an advantageous location to evaluate the seismic cycle hypothesis owing to their fast slip-rates and the moderate size (〜Mw 6) of their largest earthquakes. Using surface-wave based determinations of the relative separations between earthquake centroids, I document 16 pairs of Mw≧5.5 events that had overlapping ruptures. The distribution of interevent times for these pairs is tightly clustered around 5 years (with a coefficient of variation 〜0.2) indicating that quasiperiodicity may be prevalent for the largest events on these faults. Moreover, I find no pairs of overlapping Mw5.5-6.2 earthquakes were separated by less than 50 cm of elapsed plate motion indicating that the two basic features of the seismic cycle hypothesis are evident in the timing of large EPR transform mainshocks.