1) Where is the input acceleration data located?

   This information can be found in a dropbox link at the "supplementary documents" page on our competition website http://www.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/KUSUNOKI-LAB/index17_6.html under "5, Recorded Foundation Accelerations". Please note that these records have not been filtered.

2) "Supplementary Document 1 - building overview, design philosophy, and contests rules" stated that "all records used were time-scaled by 0.8^0.5. The unscaled records are available on the competition website". Does this mean we need to apply time/amplitude scaling to the supplied recordings?

   Sorry for the confusion. The recordings available on the website were made during the test itself, so the time and amplitude scaling had already been incorporated and do not need to be reapplied. The statement in the document refers to an earlier record (which was time-scaled but not amplitude-scaled) which we had uploaded to the website very early on in the competition before the tests were even performed, but have since removed. We have modified "Supplementary Document 1" accordingly, as well as updated other information which has been changed since.

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