金曜日セミナー 2008 年度の予定/記録

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2008 年度の講演者・講演タイトル一覧

-- アブストラクトへ飛ぶ
Presentation title
Martha Savage
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Seismic anisotropy as a possible volcano monitoring tool
田中 宏幸
Hiroyuki Tanaka
Volcano Research Center, ERI
着任セミナー: 高エネルギー素粒子を用いた固体地球科学の開拓
Jnana R. Kayal
School of Oceanographic Studies, Jadavpur University
Seismotectonics of Southeast Asia
中原 恒
Hisashi Nakahara
Tohoku University
Michel Campillo
Universite Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, France
Imaging and monitoring with the seismic 'noise'
田中 愛幸
Yoshiyuki Tanaka
Division of Monitoring and Computational Geoscience, ERI
Karoly Nemeth
Massey University
Mafic explosive volcanism along the Melanesian Volcanic Arc (SW Pacific) and its implication to volcanic hazard management
桂木 洋光
Hiroaki Katsuragi
Kyushu University
Paul J. Tackley
ETH Zurich
Thermal-chemical-phase structure and evolution of Earth's mantle
橋本 千尋
Chihiro Hashimoto
Earthquake Prediction Research Center, ERI
Emily Montgomery-Brown
Earthquake Prediction Research Center, ERI
Kilauea volcano slow slip events: Identification, source inversions, and relation to seismicity
大木 聖子
Satoko Oki
Outreach Office
Michael Kendall
Bristol University
Mantle upwellings, melt migration and the rifting of Africa: Insights from seismological investigations.
Greg Beroza
Ground Motion Prediction Using the Ambient Seismic Field
Rodolfo Console
INGV: National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Rome
Physics based models of earthquake clustering

2008 年度のアブストラクト

-- 講演者・タイトルの一覧へ飛ぶ
Seismic anisotropy as a possible volcano monitoring tool
Martha Savage
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

We discovered significant changes in seismic anisotropy orientation, which changed by almost 90 degrees between two portable deployments of three-component seismometers that were deployed before and after the 1995-1996 eruption sequence on Mt. Ruapehu Volcano. The fast orientation recorded on shallow events changed back again by 2002, without any other obvious manifestations of volcanic activity. We proposed that intrusion of a dike or dike system overprinted the regional stress system and reversed the maximum principal stress orientation in a localised region. This is very exciting, because it suggests that, not only does anisotropy change with a huge signal of a volcanic eruption, but it can change in response to more subtle signals. It has the potential to be used to monitor stress changes.

Here at ERI I am working together with Dr. Takao Ohminato to test whether changes in stress can be monitored in this way, by measuring anisotropy and relating it to other indicators of the state of stress and its changes over time around volcanoes in Japan. We will thus measure the background stress changes volcanoes between eruptions, and also the stress changes leading up to eruptions and intrusions. These observations will provide the data that may eventually lead to prediction tools.

田中 宏幸
Hiroyuki Tanaka
Volcano Research Center, ERI


Seismotectonics of Southeast Asia
Jnana R. Kayal
School of Oceanographic Studies, Jadavpur University

Southeast Asia, that includes northeast India and the Indo-Burma-Sumatra-Java arc, is seismically one of the most active regions in the seismic map of the world. Several great (M 8.0) and large (M 7.0) earthquakes occurred in this region during the recent years, like the 1897 great Shillong and the 1950 great Assam earthquakes (Ms 8.7) and most recently the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman mega thrust earthquake (Mw 9.3) and the 2005 Nias earthquake (Mw 8.7).

A large amount of broadband digital data are now available with upgraded permanent local networks in northeast India and temporary networks in the Andaman-Nicobar islands. Precise locations, fault plane solutions and seismic tomography provide us a better understanding of the tectonics and earthquake processes in the northeast India region. Pop-up tectonics of the 1897 great earthquake, strike-slip mechanisms of the transverse/strike slip faults in northeast India, atypical subduction tectonics beneath the Indo-Burma ranges and typical oceanic subduction and back arc tectonics at the Andaman-Nocobar-Sumatra arc are discussed using these recent digital data. Large amount of data are now available for regional tomography in the Andama-Sumatra arc.

中原 恒
Hisashi Nakahara
Tohoku University

近年,地震学や物理探査などの分野で地震波干渉法( Seismic Interferometry )がさかんに利用されるようになっている。この手法によると,通常の地震観測や探査においてはノイズと考えられてきた常時微動やコーダ波から,相互相関解析や自己相関解析を通して,地下構造の推定に役立つグリーン関数が求められるといわれている。

本講演では,地震波干渉法の理論的背景に関して,講演者がこれまで証明を行ってきた 2 つのモデルを中心に紹介する予定である。 1 つは水平成層構造中をスカラー波が鉛直に伝わる場合で,地震波干渉法の端緒といわれる Claerbout (1968) と類似した問題設定である。もう 1 つは均質構造中をスカラー波が様々な方向に伝わる場合であり,このモデル化は微動の空間自己相関法を提唱した Aki(1957) を参考にしている。これら 2 つのモデルは,現実の複雑性を考えると,単純すぎるかも知れない。しかし,問題の本質を理解する上で,単純なモデルはとても有益である。

Imaging and monitoring with the seismic 'noise'
Michel Campillo
Universite Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, France

This talk focuses on the use of the seismic ambient noise to perform 'empirical synthesis' of seismograms with cross correlations functions. These time series can be used to image the Earth interior and to monitor slight changes of seismic velocities. We discuss the limitations of this technique due to the characteristics of the microseisms and emphasize the part played by scattering. We present improvements of the technique that could increase the available number of virtual seismograms. We present applications to the structure of the Alps, and to the monitoring of a volcano and of a fault zone.

田中 愛幸
Yashiyuki Tanaka
Division of Monitoring and Computational Geoscience

最近、 2004 年スマトラ沖地震による余効変動がグローバルな GPS ネットワークや衛星重力計 GRACE などによって捉えられている。余効変動とは、地震時の瞬間的な地殻変動に引き続いて観測される transient な変動のことをいう。大地震に伴う余効変動は幅広い時空間スケールを持っており、地震直後から数 10 年以上も継続することが知られている。代表的なメカニズムには、地震直後からの短期的な変動を説明するための、地震断層の周囲がゆっくりすべる余効すべりと、地震時に蓄積した応力が地殻下部やマントルの粘性によって緩和することにより生じる、数年以上のスケールを持つ粘弾性変形の 2 つがある。両メカニズムによる応力変化の様式は全く異なるため、海溝型地震のサイクルを理解する上で、両者を適切に分離することは重要である。そのためには、両モデルをより現実的なものへ改良することが求められる。このため、発表者は、長期的な余効変動のメカニズムと考えられている粘弾性変形の理論モデルの改良に努めてきた。セミナーでは、発表者が行ってきた博士研究とその後、ドイツ留学中に行った理論研究の結果について述べる。博士研究は、球対称成層構造を仮定したモデルでの計算手法を世界で初めて確立したものであり、ドイツでは、さらにスラブによる粘性の水平不均質の取り込みを行った。これらのモデルは、全球をモデル領域とすることで重力場の時間変化も自然かつ精密に計算でき、 GRACE 衛星による重力データとの高精度な比較を可能とすることに成功したものでもある。発表では、途中、国土地理院での経験についても若干ふれる予定である。最後に、今後の研究テーマや地震研で行われている研究との関連について述べる。

Mafic explosive volcanism along the Melanesian Volcanic Arc (SW Pacific) and its implication to volcanic hazard management
Karoly Nemeth
Institute of Natural Resources, Volcanic Risk Solutions, Massey University

In this presentation an overview will be given of the variety of volcanism along the Melanesian Volcanic Arc with special reference to the eruption mechanism, depositional processes and resulting volcanic landforms. The presentation will be focused on four regions along the arc located in central Vanuatu. Ambae is a NE-SW elongated island forms a characteristic rift zone with scoria cones, lava spatter cones, and lava flows developed over a basal sheet like basaltic lava shield. Ambae has complex nested caldera system but lack of widespread evolved pyroclastic succession suggesting that caldera formation was rather a result of gradual caldera subsidence driven by lateral drainage of the magmatic plumbing system through flank vents forming a chain of rift axis, monogenetic volcanoes. This caldera forming mechanism is inferred to be similar in Ambrym where two frequently active volcanoes in a 12 km across caldera provide huge volumes of tephra accumulating in the caldera. It has been proposed that ~2200 years ago a phreatomagmatic eruption formed the caldera and constructed a giant tuff cone. However, as in Ambae there is no supporting evidence for this and therefore caldera formation is likely to be resulted from drainage of degassed magma along lateral dykes. In Tanna an andesitic caldera gradually fill up by overlapping scoria/tephra cones. Kuwae caldera is a place where a major climate-modifying eruption in the mid-15th century inferred to be as the fourth largest eruption in the past 10 ka. The inconsistency between conclusions reached from oral traditions and geological data highlights the fact that good critical analysis of all types of evidence is needed before conclusions can be reached about past cultural "catastrophes" or also possible global influence on climate. The cultural diversity and the small geometrical scale of the presented islands require complex approach to volcanic hazard managements which is a main focus of present research in the region.

桂木 洋光
Hiroaki Katsuragi
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University


Thermal-chemical-phase structure and evolution of Earth's mantle
Paul J. Tackley
ETH Zurich

There is much evidence, from seismology, geochemistry and geology, for compositional heterogeneity at all lengthscales in Earth's mantle, and also for complicated structures at the core-mantle boundary that may have a combined thermal, chemical and post-perovskite phase change origin. Additionally, the dynamics of the mantle determines the heat flux out of the core through Earth's history, hence the history of the geodynamo, and lateral variations in CMB heat flux strongly affect the dynamics of the geodynamo. Here, these topics are investigated using numerical simulations of mantle convection and plate tectonics that include compositional differentiation caused by melting and crustal production, as well as a multi-mineralogical treatment of phase transitions. After billions of years, the mantle is compositionally heterogeneous at all lengthscales in both major- and trace-elements, consistent with observations, and compositional heterogeneity has a much flatter spectrum than thermal heterogeneity. If subducted mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) is substantially denser that other material at the CMB, then it settles into a partial layer of material above the CMB, which has a strong effect on seismic heterogeneity, on geodynamo evolution, and on the pattern of lateral heat flux anomalies. The post-perovskite transition has a small but significant effect on the dynamics, acting to destabilize the lower thermal boundary layer, and it can also have a strong contribution to seismic heterogeneity at that depth. The composition-dependent phase transitions around 660 km can act to filter chemical heterogeneity, causing crustal enrichment in the transition zone, and depletion at the top of the lower mantle. Results indicate the importance of somewhat uncertain mineral physics parameters on the evolution of the mantle and core.

橋本 千尋
Chihiro Hashimoto
Earthquake Prediction Research Center, ERI


Kilauea volcano slow slip events: Identification, source inversions, and relation to seismicity
Emily Montgomery-Brown
Earthquake Prediction Research Center, ERI

Several slow-slip events beneath the south flank of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii have been inferred from transient displacements in daily GPS positions. To search for smaller events that may be close to the noise level in the GPS time series we compare displacement fields on Kilauea's south flank with displacement patterns in previously identified slow slip events. Matching displacement patterns are found for several new candidate events, although displacements are much smaller than previously identified events. One of the candidates, on June 2, 2000 is coincident with a microearthquake swarm, as are all of the previously identified slow-slip events. The microearthquakes follow the onset of slow slip, implying that they are triggered by stress changes during slip. The new slow-slip event brings the total number of events on Kilauea, between 1997 and 2007, to eight, the smallest having MW and the largest MW. While the recurrence time between the four largest events is 2.11 ± 0.01 years, the repeat time for the eight events is 0.9 ± 0.6 years. We invert for the fault geometry and distribution of slip during the slow-slip events. The optimal source depths (∼ 5 km), assuming uniform-slip dislocations in an elastic half-space, are considerably shallower than the accompanying swarm earthquakes (6.5 - 8.5 km), which would place the quakes in a zone of decreased Coulomb stress. Inversions including the effects of topography and layered elastic structure in the forward models favor depths comparable to microearthquake depths, such that the quakes are now located in a region of increased Coulomb stress. We also invert for time-dependent fault slip directly from the 30 second GPS phase observations, constraining the source to the optimal uniform slip geometry. Based on these inversions, the larger events last between 1.5 - 2.2 days. The data are unable to resolve migration of slip along the fault. The temporal pattern of accompanying microearthquakes is consistent with the fault slip history assuming a seismicity rate theory based on rate-and-state friction, making the swarm earthquakes coshocks and aftershocks of the slow-slip events.

大木 聖子
Satoko Oki
Outreach Office


5 年半前に地震研にアウトリーチ推進室が発足した経緯は皆さんご存知の通りです。金森先生が委員長でらした外部評価での進言でした。一方で、科学史や科学技術社会学に目を転ずれば、アウトリーチ・科学コミュニケーションといった現象は、戦後科学の流れの中ではごく自然に発生したものと言えます。本セミナーでは、欧米と日本との戦後科学技術の流れを比較しつつ、なぜ科学コミュニケーションの時代が到来したのか、その背景を説明し、欧米諸国から学べることは何か、それらを踏まえた科学コミュニケーションの取るべきアクションは何か、提起致します。


Mantle upwellings, melt migration and the rifting of Africa: Insights from seismological investigations.
Michael Kendall
Bristol University

The rifting of continents and eventual formation of ocean basins is a fundamental component of plate tectonics, yet the mechanism for break-up is poorly understood. The East Africa Rift system (EARS) is an ideal place to study this process as it captures the initiation of a rift in the south through to incipient oceanic spreading in north-eastern Ethiopia. A variety of seismic methods can be used to test models of rifting. I will summarise observations from recent seismic experiments in the Ethiopian Rift and Afar. Special attention is given to evidence of seismic anisotropy in the transitional part of the Ethiopian Rift. Collectively, these observations support models of magma assisted rifting, rather than those of simple mechanical stretching.

Ground Motion Prediction Using the Ambient Seismic Field
Greg Beroza
Stanford University

The waves generated by faulting represent the primary threat posed by most large earthquakes. The effect of complex geological structure, such as sedimentary basins, on earthquake ground motion is a source of particular concern. The usual approach to predicting such effects is to image the Earth's crustal structure, and then to propagate waves through that structure using numerical modeling techniques. At long periods it is possible to extract reliable phase and amplitude response for the elastodynamic Green's function from the ambient seismic field using deconvolution. These Green's functions can be used to improve elastic and anelastic structural models, which will improve ground motion prediction. We demonstrate the accuracy of the approach by predicting complex ground motion for a moderate (Mw = 4.6) earthquake in southern California as recorded in the Los Angeles Basin. This experiment suggests a novel approach to seismic hazard analysis in which ground motion from hypothetical future earthquakes may be simulated directly, without the need for modeling the detailed heterogeneity of the Earth's crust as an intermediate step.

Physics based models of earthquake clustering
Rodolfo Console
INGV: National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Rome

In the last decade, several statisticalmodels for both short-term and long-term earthquake occurrence have been developed and tested, proving a fairly good performance in earthquake forecasting. In particular, a number of studies haveconsidered the ETAS model, for short-term earthquake clustering, and the BPT distribution, among the long-term renewal models. However, statistical models, describing the behavior of large sets of earthquake, fail in forecasting with high reliability the behavior of a single earthquakesource.

On the other hand, in the recent years,studies about earthquake mechanics and laboratory experiments onthe friction constitutive laws of faults have increased our knowledge of the earthquake nucleation process. Nevertheless, thesephysical studies allow only simulations of earthquake source behavior, and have never proved predictive capability in real cases.

It is hopeful that the integration of physical and statistical approaches, that up to now have been studied by different groups of seismologists, can improve our ability of describing the earthquake process with the aim of a better predictive capability.

The stress interaction among seismic sources is taken as an example of physical modeling of the earthquake process. This modeling requires two distinct ingredients: (a) the computation of the co-seismic Coulomb stress change produced by slip on a fault, on other faults that can potentially generate subsequent earthquakes; and (b) the Dieterich (1994) rate-and-state constitutive law, as a possible physical justification of the Omori law describing typical aftershock decay.

First, in this presentation I consider the Dieterich's rate-and-state model as a component that can be included in the ETAS model for the time decay of the triggered events, allowing a substantial reduction of the number of free parameters neededin the purely statistical model. Lastly, an example of a fully physics based model of short-term earthquake interaction with only one free parameter, based on the computation of the Coulomb stress change, is considered. The application of both models is made on aseries of moderate seismic events occurred in Central Apennines (Italy) in 1997.

  • Console, R., Murru, M., and Catalli, F., 2006, Physical and stochastic models of earthquake clustering, Tectonophysics, 417, 141-153.
  • Console, R., Murru, M., Catalli, F., and Falcone, G., 2007, Real time forecasts through an earthquake clustering model constrained by the rate-and-state constitutive law: Comparison with a purely stochastic ETAS model, Seis. Res. Lett., 78, 49-56.
  • Catalli, F., Cocco, M., Console, R. and L. Chiaraluce, 2007, Modeling seismicity rate changes during the 1997 Umbria-Marche sequence (central Italy) through a rate- and state-dependent model. J. Geophys. Res., 113, doi:10.1029/2007JB005356.