Visiting Researchers(2005-2014)

Visiting Researchers

Rodolfo Console
Dr Console
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Scientific advisor
Period of Stay
2008/10/30 - 2008/12/14
Research Theme
Advanced study on recurrence time of large earthquakes
Host Researcher
Self Introduction
My name is Rodolfo Console, after having been graduated in Physics in 1976, I have been working at the National Institute of Geophysics (Rome, Italy) for 36 years until 2004. Now I am formally retired, but I keep carrying out seismological research with my former colleagues, as well as in a broader international context. Besides that, I have been teaching seismology during the last ten years as contract professor in one of the three main Universities of Rome. As a sort of side-occupation, during the last three years I have been in charge as associate editor for the JGR. I have been involved for a couple of decades in the development of the Italian seismological network and software for automatic data analysis. My research field has been in those years observational seismology, and data analysis. This has included up to now the participation in the activities of the CTBTO, the Organization that deals with monitoring compliance of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty through geophysical observation on a global scale. In the last decade I have been interested in short- and long-term earthquake interaction, and more in general, statistical validation of earthquake forecast models. This is not my first time in Japan. Excluding the shorter periods, generally in connection with international meetings, I have already been at the ERI for 45 days in 1982 and for three months in 1998. Moreover, I have also spent 45 days at the DPRI of the Kyoto University in 1986, and one week at the NIED of Tsukuba in 1996. Every time I have visited Japan I have always been happy with the excellent technical organization, the scientific level of my Japanese colleagues, and the quality of life.

Research Report
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