Synergy effect Through Human and Artificial Intelligence Towards New Era in Seismology | SYNTHA-Seis

Synergy effect Through Human and Artificial Intelligence
Towards New Era in Seismology

MEXT project for Seismology towards Research Innovation with Data of Earthquake (STAR-E)


The world has entered the age of artificial intelligence. Information analysis technologies based on machine learning techniques, in particular deep learning, have seen rapid growth in various scientific fields and are also finding many applications in day-to-day life. For example, the adoption of artificial intelligence in seismology has significantly increased in recent years, where cutting edge deep learning architectures can now surpass even the most experienced seismologists in problems such as seismic wave detection. While such advancement is undoubtedly useful, the reasoning of machine learning models can be difficult to interpret. However, artificial intelligence has yet to surpass the human intelligence of seismologists in terms of uncovering/understanding the activities and underlying mechanisms of earthquakes, which is essential from the perspective of disaster prevention and mitigation. By integrating human expertise that has been cultivated over the long history of seismology and state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, our project “SYNTHA-Seis” explores a new horizon to accelerate earthquake research and contributes to the prevention and mitigation of future earthquake disasters.
   SYNTHA-Seis is supported by the MEXT project for Seismology towards Research Innovation with Data of Earthquake (STAR-E).


May 9, 2024

Dr. Tomoki and Prof. Nagao received the "JSAS Best Paper Award" from Japanese Society of Applied Statistics.

Apr. 1, 2024

The principal investigator for the re-consigned institution (Osaka University) is now Prof.Yoshikazu Terada. See the members page for more information.

Mar. 12, 2024

Prof. Kazushige Obara received the Imperial Prize and Japan Academy Prize from the Japan Academy.

Feb.1, 2024

Prof. Nagao and Dr. Tokuda's article appeared in the special feature "Machine Learning and Its Applications" in the Japanese Journal of Applied Statistics 2023 Vol. 52 No. 2 (published in January 2024).

Feb.1, 2024

Dr. Tomoki Tokuda was promoted to project assistant professor.Please see MEMBERS page for the details.

Dec.11~15, 2023

AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting 2023 report posted. Please see NEWS page for the details.

Dec.4~8, 2023

California Institute of Technology visit report posted. Please see NEWS page for the details.

Oct.31~Nov.2, 2023

We organize the session entitled "S21 Acceleration of seismological research through integration with information science" in The 2023 SSJ Fall Meeting.

Sep. 6, 2023

We organize the session entitled "4BPM1" in FSSA2023.

Jul. 2023

A paper related to development of a deep learning model to detect seismic waves in continuous seismic waveform data has been accepted in Geophysical Journal International.

Apr. 7, 2023

Prof. Imaizumi received the "Young Scientist Award of Commendation for Science and Technology" from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Mar. 1, 2023

Dr. Shinya Katoh joins our project. Please visit MEMBERS page for the details.

Feb. 1, 2023

Dr. Gerardo Mendo joins our project. Please visit MEMBERS page for the details.

Dec. 17, 2022

Prof. Nagao had an oral presentation S55A-06, and Dr. Tokuda had a poster presentation S42C-0160 at AGU Fall Meeting 2022.

Nov. 3, 2022

Prof. Obara received "The Medal with Purple Ribbon" from the Cabinet Office.

Sep. 13, 2022

We are currently seeking to recruit our project members. Please visit NEWS page for the details.

Apr. 1, 2022

Dr. Tomoki Tokuda joins our project. Please visit MEMBERS page for the details.

Mar. 25, 2022

We published the leaflet. Please visit PUBLICATIONS page for the details.

Mar. 8, 2022

We are currently seeking to recruit our project members. Please visit NEWS page for the details.

Nov. 17, 2022

SYNTHA-Seis was introduced in the Autumn 2021 issue of the Earthquake Research Division News. Please visit NEWS page for the details.
