Synergy effect Through Human and Artificial Intelligence Towards New Era in Seismology | SYNTHA-Seis


May 26-27, 2024


We exhibited at JpGU2024, a hybrid of online and Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, as the Earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo. Leaflets and Newsletters were placed in the booth to introduce the project.
We held the oral and poster sessions [S-TT38] entitled Seismic Big Data Analysis Based on the State-of-the-Art of Bayesian Statistics. More than 120 people attended the event.
And also Union Session: U-12 "AI Earth and Planetary Science" and GeoSciAI2024, an AI modeling contest in the field of Earth and planetary science data, were held. One Grand Prize winner, two Excellence Award winners, and one Special Award winner (JpGU Award and JSAI Award, respectively) were announced and Shinya Kato of this project won the Grand Prize.


Mar. 25, 2024

"Let's take a look at the lab in UTokyo" Program

We had a lecture titled "Lecture on the Use of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Earthquake Research".
Fifty high school students participated.

at Seminer room in ERI

Mar.15-29, 2024

ERI Spring School

Research Experience Program in Earthquake Research Institute (Spring 2024) was held and three student participated in Nagao & Ito Laboratory. Under the theme of "Earthquake Research Using Artificial Intelligence," the program included a lecture on state-of-the-art earthquake research using artificial intelligence in Japan and abroad, and a demonstration and experience of seismic picking from continuous earthquake waveform data using deep learning models.

at T31 room in ERI

Sep.21, 2023

In the Media (Mainichi Shimbun)

Dr.Nagao's article appeared in the "Kagaku no Mori" page of the Mainichi Shimbun morning edition dated 9/21.

Sep.12-19, 2023

ERI Summer School

Research Experience Program in Earthquake Research Institute (Summer 2023) was held and one student participated in Nagao & Ito Laboratory. Under the theme of "Earthquake Research Using Artificial Intelligence," the program included a lecture on state-of-the-art earthquake research using artificial intelligence in Japan and abroad, and a demonstration and experience of seismic picking from continuous earthquake waveform data using deep learning models.

at T31 room in ERI

Sep.3-7, 2023


We held the session "4BPM1 " in JFSSA2023 at Kyoto University.
Dr.Tokuda and Dr.Kato had presentations in oral.


Sep.1, 2023

In the Media (NHK)

Our laboratory's research was introduced on NHK's "Cartoonist Ienaga's Super-Definition of Complex Society" broadcast on September 1, 2023.

Aug.18, 2023

In the Media (Nihon Keizai Shimbun)

Dr.Nagao's article appeared in the "Science Frontier" page of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.

Aug.1, 2023

SYNTHA-Seis research in "Naifuru"

Dr.Nagao's research article was appeared in "Naifuru No.134", the outreach magazine of the Seismological Society of Japan.
Please visit the SSJ's web page.(Japanese only)

May 21, 2023


We exhibited at JpGU2023, a hybrid of online and Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall, as the Earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo.Leaflets and an explanatory staff were placed in the booth along with SYNTHA-Seis panels to introduce the project.
We held the oral and poster sessions [S-TT44] entitled Seismic Big Data Analysis Based on the State-of-the-Art of Bayesian Statistics.

Mar. 27, 2023

"Let's take a look at the lab in UTokyo" Program

Discussions were held with high school students titled "Lecture on the Use of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Earthquake Research".

at Seminer room in ERI

Sep. 13, 2022

Recruitment of project researchers

We are currently seeking to recruit our project members. For more details, please visit the website of Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo. 4-6 pages
This call for applications closes on December 2, 2022.
