金曜日セミナー 2002 年度の記録

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2002 年度の講演者・講演タイトル一覧

-- アブストラクトへ飛ぶ
Presentation title
中谷 正生
Greg Hirth
The role of water on the geodynamics of the upper mantle
Bruce Houghton
Univ. of Hawaii
The complimentary roles of physical sciences, social sciences, and emergency management during volcanic crises
樋口 知之
堀 宗朗
On stress inversion method - how one can invert stress from strain without fully knowing constitutive relations? -
Thomas L. Wright
Viewing earthquake data sets in the third dimension: toward an improved understanding of volcano seismicity
平賀 岳彦
Mission: Grain boundary in rocks
柳谷 俊
廣瀬 敬
Cheng-Horng Lin
Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Active Continental Subduction and Crustal Exhumation: the Taiwan Orogeny
藤 浩明
Joseph L. Kirschvink
Geobiology Division of Geological & Planetary Sciences California Institute of Technology
Earthquake Prediction by Animals: Evolution and Sensory Perception
持木 幸一
土屋 範芳
地震発生帯での岩石/水相互作用と HDF (Hydrothermally Derived Fracturing)
中村 玄
(1) 亀裂の同定と (2) Rayleigh 波の分散公式とその逆問題への応用−逆解析理論の最先端−
亀 伸樹
宮島 延吉
山岡 耕春

2002 年度のアブストラクト

-- 講演者・タイトルの一覧へ飛ぶ
中谷 正生

Classical friction (static friction, dynamic friction) [da Vinci, 15th cent.] was simple enough; they are the threshold strengths of the frictional interface. Since so-called "Rate- and State-dependent Friction (RSF)" was introduced to describe newly revealed details of friction [Dieterich, 1979], however, words to discuss friction have been very opaque, whereas those details have been proven critical for earthquake mechanics [e.g., Scholz, 1998]. Main goal of my presentation will be to give a clear framework and words to understand friction. I assert that all the opaqueness of RSF comes from that it lacks the concept of "strength" distinct from "applied stress." By introducing the concept of "strength," I will show that RSF is a law that gives slip velocity as a function of the applied shear stress and the strength at the moment. Viewed this way, notorious RSF is understood as a natural extension of classical friction. The new view immediately leads to an unnoticed prediction that the slow slip during interseismic period decelerates as strength recovery (healing) proceeds, in addition to the well-known stress dependence of slip velocity. This prediction of "strength dependence of slip velocity" has been confirmed by laboratory tests of Nakatani [1997]. Further, I will show a simple physical model (a moderate extension of the classical adhesion theory of friction [Bowden & Tabor, 1950]) can fully explain the "stress- and strength-dependent slip law." Moreover, the proposed model, which assumes that frictional sliding is the thermally activated shear creep of the junctions formed at the real contacts of asperities, predicts direct proportionality between absolute temperature and an observable parameter (so-called "a"), as observed in laboratory tests [Nakatani, 1997]. (Note to experts: I'm not talking about evolution law. That's fine.) (Note to non-experts. The RSF behavior, though found on rocks first, is obsrved for most usual materials such as metals, papers, and polymers. I'm talking about what is the frictional sliding of most everything. ) (Note to those who attended April danwakai. This talk has nothing to do with that talk.)

The role of water on the geodynamics of the upper mantle
Greg Hirth

In this lecture I will overview our understanding of the effects of water on the rheology of the mantle, including its role in faulting and convection. A combination of experimental and geophysical observations indicate that the physical properties of the Earth are strongly influence by the presence of both free water and small amounts of dissolved water. Earth-like plate tectonics occurs as a result of the weakness of the plate boundaries relative to the plate interiors. The rheologic properties of these boundaries, including the base of the plates that defines a transition to a fluid mantle, or asthonosphere, are stongly influenced by the presence of water. Water is recycled into the Earth's interior by subduction. The presence of oceans on Earth provides a source of water through both hydrothermal alteration of the lithosphere at the oceanic ridges and the relatively thick layers of fluid filled sediments on the surface. Without oceans, it is possible that even if a subduction like process occurred, the rheologic properties of a dry upper mantle would inhibit the formation of Earth-like plates.

The complimentary roles of physical sciences, social sciences, and emergency management during volcanic crises
Bruce Houghton
Univ. of Hawaii

Volcanic crises are complex social events where the weak point is often not an organization but the links between organizations. In natural hazard work the boundaries between the roles of physical science, social science and emergency management blur. A successful intervention during a volcanic crisis requires these sectors to function together efficiently. "Cultural" and operational contrasts between these groups form the major barrier to successful emergency management, compounded by the uncertainties of accurate forecasting of future events. The theme of this presentation is the recent advances in these three areas and how they merge during a volcanic crisis.

樋口 知之




  • 北川 源四郎・樋口知之,予測とモデル,数理科学, 36, 9 月, 1998.
  • 北川 源四郎・樋口知之,知識発見と自己組織型の統計モデル, bit 別冊「発見科学とデータマイニング」3 月, 2000.
  • 樋口知之,「発見の科学」特集号,日経サイエンス 5 月号,2002 年
On stress inversion method - how one can invert stress from strain without fully knowing constitutive relations? -
堀 宗朗

It sounds odd that stress can be identified from strain for materials whose constitute relations are not fully known. This talk will explain a stress inversion method that has been developed for this purpose. Formulation and results of numerical simulation and model experiments are presented. Also, it will cover the application to the nation-wide GPS network data to seek to predict stress increment distribution within the crust. Recent results are presented, as well as a new method which will compensate the drawbacks of the stress inversion method.

Viewing earthquake data sets in the third dimension: toward an improved understanding of volcano seismicity
Thomas L. Wright

The magmatic plumbing of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii is illustrated through animation of earthquake swarms beneath the rift zones and the seismic response of the seaward-moving south flank to these swarms. Earthquakes are displayed beneath recognizable surface features shown on a topographic model of the volcano. In one mode the entire earthquake dataset and/or its parts can be rotated with the topography to illustrate depth distribution relative to map position. In another mode animations are created from a fixed perspective (map view at present) to show the changing locus of seismicity through time. Animation mode (cumulative time or specified time intervals) and animation speed may be varied to suit the problem under study.

The methodology is general and can be applied in any circumstance where earthquake datasets and surface topography (viewed as either wire mesh, as in the Kilauea earthquake animations, or as a transparent map overlay) are available. This could include such diverse research topics as plate seismicity, large earthquake aftershock sequences, or volcanic seismicity.

Mission: Grain boundary in rocks
平賀 岳彦

Earth is a huge polycrystalline aggregate with many many many grain boundaries. Furthermore, grain boundaries are the only defects connected three dimensionally in rocks. For those reasons, grain boundary diffusion, grain boundary fracture, grain boundary sliding and grain boundary melting, are important in the Earth dynamics. In addition, the boundary may have a different composition than the grains and is crucial for understanding elemental distribution in rocks. Many things occur at grain boundaries in the Earth! However, we have very little knowledge of grain boundaries in rocks. Grain boundaries in synthetic materials have been well studied, and much of the work relies on advances of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). I have applied these TEM methods to grain boundaries in natural and synthetic geo-materials to get a real "picture" of grain boundaries in the Earth. My talk will be related to these following questions. 1) What is the structure of grain boundary? 2) What is the thickness of the boundary? 3) How do water and melt stay in the boundary? 4) What is the energy of the boundary? 5) What is the chemistry of the boundary?

柳谷 俊


しかしながら,地下の坑道でしばしばみられる,水があふれでているボアホールに蓋をし,水圧(帯水層の間隙水圧)を測定すると,幅ひろい周波数範囲の応力の擾乱に対して,間隙弾性理論が示唆するとおりの「 1 次の応答」をしめすのである.

われわれは,中部日本の跡津川断層系の一員である茂住祐延断層をよこぎるように,鉱山の坑道から掘削した観測坑(被り 300 m )にある 2 本のボアホールに蓋をして湧水をとめ,ひずみゲージ式圧力計(フルスケール; 300 psi = 2.069 MPa,分解能; 16 bit,サンプリング周波数 20 Hz )をつかってボアホール内の水圧を測定した.ふたつのボアホールは,断層をはさむように位置し,その口径も長さも傾斜もいちじるしくことなる(ボアホール C ;口径 140 mm, 長さ 600 m, 傾斜角 ‐70°, 湧水量 375 l/min;ボアホール A,口径 76 mm, 長さ 15 m,傾斜角 ‐5°,湧水量 25 l/min ).

ボアホールに蓋をすると,どちらのボアホールでも間隙水圧がゆっくりとビルドアップし,半年ほどかかって定常状態(ボアホール C ではおよそ 1.43 MPa;ボアホール A ではおよそ 0.99 MPa )に達した.どちらのボアホールにおいても,蓋をすると即座にとてもきれいな 潮汐変動がみられた(定常状態での O1 と M2 の振幅;ボアホール C,CO1 = 52 Pa, CM2 = 105 Pa, AO1 = 24 Pa, AM2 = 59 Pa ).ふたつのボアホール間に位相のずれはない.

ボアホールの間隙水圧の気圧応答 Δp/Δb = B(1+νu)/3(1-νu) 〔 p は間隙水圧,b は気圧, B は Skempton 定数,νu はアンドレインの状態ではかったポワソン比〕は,オープンの井戸とはことなり,間隙弾性学の理論どおり正の値になる(C ボアホール;0.46,A ボアホール;0.37).

さらに,ふたつのボアホールで記録した 2002 年 4 月 26 日の Mariana 地震( MW 7.1,震央距離 24.0° )の波形もちがっているのは振幅だけで,あとは双子のようにうりふたつである.間隙水圧の変動が,P 波のみならず,S 波,表面波をふくんで地震波のトレースに酷似していることから,茂住坑から約 50 km はなれた京大上宝観測所において STS-1 地震計で記録した波形と比較した.この結果,間隙水圧の波形は,ラディアル方向の速度波形とよく一致することがわかった.


Poroelastic theory states that when a porous aquifer is under complete undrained conditions, i.e. a porous medium is compressed or extended without allowing fluid to flow, the applied stress is always borne by pore fluid and skeletal framework of the rock. Thus the pore pressure must be a direct sensor of the crustal stress change. However, this has never been clearly observed, because the pore pressure of aquifer would often measure through the water level in an open well under the assumption that it is in equilibrium with the pore pressure. In open wells, changes in pore pressure must be accompanied with flow into or out of the wall, which definitely prevents the well from being a gage of pore pressure in an aquifer. Limited hydraulic communication between well and aquifer causes the delay and attenuation in frequency response. And the dimension and geometry of well also greatly affect the performance. We could overcome these shortcomings by stopping up a flowing well bore and directly measuring the fluid (pore) pressure, p within it, and we found that the fluid pressure of such closed wells show the first-order response from tidal to seismic frequencies.

A site-investigation tunnel was excavated at 350 m depth from the gallery of the Kamioka mine across the Mozumi fault, a part of the Atotsugawa fault system in central Japan. We have monitored the fluid pressure using pressures gage (full scale is 2.069 MPa, resolution is 16 bit, and sampling rate is 20 Hz) at two well bores on both sides of the fault; C- well, the diameter is 140 mm, the length is 600 m, the inclination is 70°, and the flowing rate is 375 l/min; A-well, the diameter is 76 mm, the length is 15 m, the inclination is 5°, and the flowing rate is 25 l/min. We have also observed the barometric pressure, b in the tunnel.

On stopping up a well bore, the pore pressure have gradually built up and attained the stable state in a half year (C- well; 1.43MPa, A-well; 0.99MPa). Tiny but clear fluctuations of pore pressure due to the earth tides were observed immediately after stopping up the well bore. Their amplitudes are CO1 = 52 Pa, CM2 = 105 Pa, AO1 = 24 Pa, AM2 = 59 Pa at the equilibrium. There was no phase delay between two well-bores. The barometric efficiency, γ(=Δp/Δb)could be properly determined; 0.46 for C-well, and 0.37 for A-well. Two hydrograms of the April 26, 2002 Mariana earthquake MW 7.1; the epicentral distance is 24.0°) were indistinguishable from each other, except for their amplitude ΔpC/ΔpA=1.27). Besides the sameness of two waveforms, they are also significantly similar to the radial recording of STS-1 seismometer (velocity of ground motion) including shear and surface waves. These observations are confirmed that when the seismic (plane) waves are transmitted through the porous medium saturated with water, there is no relative movement between pore fluid and skeletal framework of the rock, and that the applied stress is always shared with fluid and skeletal framework of the rock at a constant ratio.

廣瀬 敬

われわれのグループではマルチアンビルとダイアモンドセルという 2 つの高圧装置を用いて下部マントル鉱物の研究を行っている。東工大や放射光施設 SPring-8 などで行っている実験の紹介をするとともに、近年得られた下部マントル鉱物の含水量、相転移、圧縮率に関するデータをもとに、地球内部の水の循環、下部マントルのダイナミクスなどにつき議論する。

Active Continental Subduction and Crustal Exhumation: the Taiwan Orogeny
Cheng-Horng Lin
Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

A tectonic model of active continental subduction and crustal exhumation is proposed to explain a variety of geophysical and geological evidences recently observed in Taiwan. The subducted crust is represented by a low velocity zone dipping eastwards beneath the major part of Taiwan, while the exhumed crust is marked by a high velocity structure bulge, high heat flow and absence of seismicity beneath the Eastern Central Range. The general boundary of active crustal exhumation can be evidently depicted from topography, surface geology and analyses of thermal history. The active exhumation process with a vertically oriented maximum principal stress beneath the Eastern Central Range is consistent with a variety of observations such as normal faults on the surface, extensional crust deformation from GPS, normal faulting from focal mechanisms, and accelerated uplifting from both isotope and fission track. The phenomena collected in this paper evidently indicate that the Taiwan Orogeny was largely resulting from active crustal subduction and exhumation. Further investigation in Taiwan might provide the best opportunity to improve the understanding of dynamic process and tectonic evolution for other long-extinct systems of continental subduction and exhumation.

Some relative papers: Lin, C.H., Y.H. Yeh, H.Y. Yen, K.C. Chen, B.S. Huang, S.W. Roecker and J.M. Chiu (1998). Three-dimensional elastic wave velocity structures of the Hualien region of Taiwan: Evidence of active crustal exhumation, Tectonics, Vol. 17, No. 1, 89-103. (SCI) Lin, C.H., and S.W. Roecker (1998). Evidence for active crustal subduction and exhumation in Taiwan, When Continents collide: Geodynamics and Geochemistry of Ultrahigh-Pressure Rocks, edited by Brad Hacker and Juhn G. Liou, 1-18, Kluwer Academic Pub., 323 pp. Lin, C.H. (1998). Tectonic implications of an aseismic belt beneath the eastern Central Range of Taiwan: Crust subduction and exhumation, J. of Geol. Soc. China, Vol. 41, 441-460. Lin, C.H.(2000), Thermal modeling of continental subduction and exhumation constrained by heat flow and seismicity in Taiwan, Tectonophysics, Vol. 324, No. 3, 189-201 (SCI). Lin, C.H. (2002), Active continental subduction and exhumation: the Taiwan orogeny, Terra Nova. Vol. 14, No. 4, 281-287. (SCI).

藤 浩明

海半球計画の目標の一つに,海底における長期地球物理観測を実現することがある.我々は,海半球計画の開始当初から電磁気観測ステーションの開発を行ってきた.目標としたのは,長期にわたって安定な地磁気 3 成分と全磁力の観測が行え,同時に電位差変動も記録し,電気伝導度構造の研究にも有効な情報を得ることである.ステーションは海底に自由落下で設置するので, 方位および傾斜の測定も行う.長期的な変動を問題にするため精密温度測定も組み込んだ.幾多の困難を経験したが,計画の最終年度の昨年 7 月に北西太平洋の孔内地震計観測点 WP2 の近傍に最初の長期観測ステーションを設置し,今年の 6 月に無事回収することに成功した.回収前に同型の装置を近くに設置し並行観測を行うことにより,データの連続性も確保した.

As a part of Ocean Hemisphere Network Project (OHP), we have been trying to develop a seafloor long-term geoelectromagnetic observatory. Technological aim is to assemble complete geomagnetic observatory with electric field measurement so that data can be useful for the study of electrical conductivity structure within the earth as well as the study of time variation of the geomagnetic main field. The system includes measurement of azimuth and tilts as the platform is installed on the seafloor by a free fall from a ship. In July of 2001, which is the last year of OHP, we have succeeded to install the geoelectromagnetic station near a borehole seismometer site WP2 in the northwest Pacific. The instrument was successfully recovered in this June. Before the recovery of first instrument, we have deployed second instrument to make parallel observation to have continuous time variation of each component.

Earthquake Prediction by Animals: Evolution and Sensory Perception
Joseph L. Kirschvink
Geobiology Division of Geological & Planetary Sciences California Institute of Technology

Animals living within seismically active regions are subjected episodically to intense ground shaking which can kill individuals through burrow collapse, egg destruction, and tsunami action. Although anecdotal and retrospective reports of animal behavior suggest that of many organisms may be able to detect an impending seismic event, no plausible scenario has been presented yet through which accounts for the evolution of such behaviors. The evolutionary mechanism of exaptation can do this in a two-step process. The first step is to evolve a vibration-triggered early warning response which would act in the short time interval between the arrival of p- and s-waves. Anecdotal evidence suggests this response already exists. Then if precursory stimuli also exist, similar evolutionary processes can link an animal’s perception of these stimuli to its p-wave triggered response, yielding an earthquake predictive behavior. A population-genetic model indicates that such a seismic-escape response system can be maintained against random mutations as a result of episodic selection that operates with time scales comparable to that of strong seismic events. Hence, additional understanding of possible earthquake precursors which are presently outside the realm of seismology might be gleaned from the study of animal behavior, sensory physiology, and genetics. A brief review of possible seismic precursors suggests that tilt, hygroreception (humidity), electric, and magnetic sensory systems in animals could be linked into a seismic escape behavioral system. Several testable predictions of this analysis are discussed, and it is recommended that additional magnetic, electrical, tilt, and hygro-sensors be incorporated into dense monitoring networks in seismically-active regions.

Reference: Kirschvink, J.L. Earthquake Prediction by Animals: Evolution and Sensory Perception. Bulletin Seismological. Soc. Am. 90 (2), 312-323, 2000.

持木 幸一

これまでに開発に携わったいくつかの実時間信号処理システムと、現在共同開発中の地球科学分野での応用について、事例を紹介する。(1)中性子ラジオグラフィ用実時間画像信号処理システム:平成 2 年より開発し、今年度 4 世代目が完成する。初代は、 TTL とメモリのみで、画像信号に関し、システムノイズの実時間補正、ランダムノイズのディジタルフィルタ処理、必要な情報の抽出処理、および結果の擬似カラー表示などの機能を有し、日本原子力研究所の研究炉での共同利用で広く使用された(文献「放射線」)。 (2)プラスチック識別器:近赤外線スペクトルを解析して 6 種類のプラスチックを 1 秒以内に識別するハンディー型の測定器であり、PIC, H8, SH2 などの CPU や FPGA を使用するシステム開発して性能を比較している。 (3)高エネルギー加速器ディジタル制御:取出されるビーム量を DSP で制御するシステムと、イコライザについて紹介する.(文献 icalepcs, EPACK) (4)地球科学分野への応用:レーザを使用した傾斜計や高精度地震計への応用について、その開発状況を報告する.

地震発生帯での岩石/水相互作用と HDF (Hydrothermally Derived Fracturing)
土屋 範芳

熱水と岩石との相互作用の結果,通常では考えられない低い温度・圧力環境で岩石の劇的な破壊が生じる.たとえば 300 ℃ で 1 MPa 程度の環境で水と共存する石英は破壊(き裂が生じる)する.しかしより高圧環境では逆に破壊現象を観察できず, 400 ℃ では 10 MPa で破壊する石英が, 20 MPa では全く破壊しない.一方全くのドライな環境では,石英は α-β 転移点まで破壊しない.熱水が共存する環境では,通常の物質の力学的強度から推定される破壊プロセスではなく,熱水により破壊が助長される現象が生じている.この熱水流体が関与する破壊(HDF: Hydrothermally Derived Fracturing )は,一種の応力腐食割れ的な破壊現象であり,蒸気相および蒸気的振る舞いをする流体との相互作用で岩石・鉱物が割れていると考えられる.地震発生帯で,流体のボイリング現象などが生じたら,蒸気及び蒸気的振る舞いをする流体が生じ, HDF が起こる可能性がある.天然では明らかに ductile 環境の温度・圧力でありながら, brittle な破壊をしている例があり,これらは流体が関与する HDF の可能性が指摘できる.熱水に誘起されるこの HDF 破壊現象を実験的に詳細に検討し,石英および花崗岩の HDF が生じる条件やメカニズムを明らかにする必要がある.熱水が誘起する破壊現象 HDF (HDF: Hydrothermally Derived Fracturing )の実験的検証と天然で HDF が生じている例について講演する.

(1) 亀裂の同定と (2) Rayleigh 波の分散公式とその逆問題への応用−逆解析理論の最先端−
中村 玄

(1) 斉次導電体・弾性体内の亀裂を境界観測により再構成するアルゴリズムを与える。数学的に厳密な再構成には、無限回の境界観測を必要とするが、近似的な再構成は有限回の境界観測で可能である。数値計算の可能性についても言及する。 (2) Rayleigh 波の分散公式は、非破壊検査に有効に用いられている。曲がった境界を持つ非斉次非等方弾性体に対して、 Rayleigh 波の分散公式は Nomofilov の結果(短い論文)があるが、難解でその正当性は不明である。そこで、ここでは Rayleigh 波の分散公式を機械的に導く安上がりの方法を与える。

亀 伸樹

大地震の破壊領域にはしばしば幾何学的に複雑な断層面形状(屈曲・分岐・飛びなどの構造)が含まれます。将来発生する地震がこれらの既存構造の中のどの部分を選択して破壊するか?ということは地震の危険度評価にとって重要です。本講演では特に分岐断層構造に注目します。主断層上を伝播する動的破壊が、派生する分岐断層に出会う分岐断層モデルを考えます。破壊の経路が動的な応力に応じて選択される地震破壊の動的シミュレーションを行い、次の問いに答えます:破壊は分岐断層に沿って励起されるのか?動的分岐に適しているのは圧縮側か引張側か?主断層上の破壊は分岐点を超えて成長し続けるのか?分岐断層上でどのような破壊経路が最終的に選択されるのか?我々のグループが行ったシミュレーション結果を紹介し、最終的な破壊経路が主に初期応力場と波動応力場の観点から解釈できることを話します。参考文献: Kame, Rice and Dmowska, Effects of pre-stress state and rupture velocity on dynamic fault branching, JGR accepted 2003.

宮島 延吉

高圧実験回収試料の解析において、高い空間分解能を持つ分析透過電子顕微鏡 (ATEM) は非常に有用である。例えば、そのマイクロスコピー機能やディフラクトメトリー機能を利用して、実空間ならびに逆空間の情報を高い空間分解能で得られる。さらに付属の分光器を使ったエネルギー分散型 X 線分光法 (EDS) や電子線エネルギー損失分光法 (EELS) 等のスペクトロスコピー機能により、エネルギー空間の情報も得ることができる。本発表では、下部マントル条件でのガーネット-ペロブスカイト相転移における 3 価陽イオンの挙動を例として、各種 ATEM 分光法を紹介する。特に、走査 TEM を用いたアルミニウム拡散プロファイル測定、EELS を用いた Ferric Fe / Ferrous Fe 比の決定や、電子線チャネリング効果を用いた EDS や EELS による陽イオン占有席の決定などの結果を交え、下部マントル物質における 3 価イオン (Al, Ferric Fe) のふるまいについて考察する。

山岡 耕春

名古屋大学でアクロスシステムの開発に取り組んでから既に 5 年以上が経過している。この間、基本的な震源システムおよび受信システムの開発から始まり、実際に設置した淡路島や岐阜県の東濃での実験などを通じて、問題点の洗い出しと実際的なシステムの開発を行ってきた。今回のセミナーでは、全体を概観してアクロスシステムの特長を再評価するとともに、最近の成果について重点を置いて述べる。特に、(1) 2000 年から 2001 年にかけて、淡路島において 15 ヶ月連続で運転をした結果、(2) 実験期間中に発生した 2000 年鳥取県西部地震と 2001 年芸予地震のゆれに伴って S 波の異方性の変化がとらえられた点とその解釈、(3) 固着によって変化すると考えられるプレート面での反射係数の時間変動を、現在のシステムによってとらえられるかどうか、(4) HiNet システムの利用について述べる。