Computational Science and High Performance Computing Laboratory

(Hori-Ichimura-Lalith-Fujita Laboratory)
Earthquake Research Institute
The University of Tokyo

Japanese version: here
Last update: 2024-11-30



Research Topics

    Our research interest is in development and application of computational science and high performance computing methods for solving solid earth science, seismology, and civil engineering related problems from both physics and socio-economic perspectives. We aim cutting edge computational science research through development of methods capable of utilizing the largest-scale computer systems. We are conducting domestic and international collaboration with earth science/civil engineering institutes, computer/computational science institutes and manufacturers/vendors. Some recent research examples are:
    Physics Simulations
  • Large-scale finite-element urban earthquake simulation on K computer (with Fujitsu, RIKEN and RIST) [SC'14, SC'15 Gordon Bell Prize Finalist] , Oakforest-PACS (with Intel, NVIDIA, Fujitsu and Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [IPDPS 2018], and Summit/Piz Daint (with NVIDIA, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre and Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo) [SC'18 Gordon Bell Prize Finalist]
  • Large-scale finite-element crustal-deformation simulation on K computer [SC'16 Best Poster], GPU clusters [WACCPD 2016 Best Paper, WACCPD 2017 Best Paper] and Piz Daint (with ETH Zurich, USI, Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam, JAMSTEC) [ICCS 2018 (LNCS)]
  • Fast and robust mesh generation methods [HPC Asia 2018 Best Paper]
  • Particle Discretization Scheme Finite-Element Method (PDS-FEM) for fracture analysis
  • Meta-modeling theory for bridging between structural mechanics and continuum mechanics
  • Utilization of Artificial Intelligence for urban earthquake damage estimation (with RIKEN) [SC'17 Best Poster]
  • Socio-Economic Simulations
  • Multi Agent System based evacuation simulator
  • Simulator for optimizing lifeline recovery plans
  • Integration of Physics and Socio-Economic Simulations
  • Integrated Earthquake Simulator for comprehensive simulation of earthquake disasters [Introduction to Computational Earthquake Engineering]

Source Codes

    Codes developed in our research can be downloaded here.



  • "Nonlinear Analysis in Civil Engineering", Department of Civil Engineering (Graduate Course, in English)
  • "ŒvŽZ’nkHŠw/Computational Earthquake Engineering", Department of Civil Engineering (Undergraduate/Graduate Course, in English)
  • "ξ•ρŒvŽZ‰ΘŠw‚ΜŠξ‘b", Department of Civil Engineering (Undergraduate Course, in Japanese)

For Applicants



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