地震研究所図書室購入電子ブックリスト / E-books purchased by the ERI

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(2024年10月24日更新 / Last update 24th October 2024)

分野別一覧 (E-journal & E-book Portal より一部)/ Browse by Subject

TitlePublisherYear Note
AGU Digital Library Books BackfilesAGU1956-2011全600タイトル。一覧はこちら[PDF]
AGU Geophysical Monograph ; 1-195AGU1956-2011上記コレクションの一部。v.196〜は下記参照
Special publicationsGeological Society1964-2019巻一覧 Browse by Vols.

    > このページの先頭へ(to top)

TitlePublisherYear Note
Acquisition and processing of marine seismic dataElsevier2018
Active faults and nuclear regulation : background to requirement enforcement in JapanSpringer20201 user
Active geophysical monitoring. 2nd ed.Elsevier2019
Active global seismologyAGU2017 Geophysical monograph ; 225
Advanced remote sensing technology for tsunami modelling and forecastingCRC Press2018
Applied multidimensional geological modeling : informing sustainable human interactions with the shallow subsurfaceWiley2021
Atlas of structural geologyElsevier2015
Best practices in physics-based fault rupture models for seismic hazard assessment of nuclear installationsSpringer20181 user
Campi Flegrei : a restless caldera in a densely populated areaSpringer20221 user
Coding and decoding - seismic data : the concept of multishooting. 2nd ed.Elsevier2017
Complexity of seismic time series : measurement and applicationElsevier2018
Compressional Tectonics: Plate Convergence to Mountain BuildingAGU2023
Computational geo-electromagnetics : methods, models, and forecastsElsevier20201 user
Computational statistics in the earth sciences : with applications in MATLABCambridge University Press2017
Continuum MicromechanicsSpringer1997
Continuum MicromechanicsSpringer2023
Core-Mantle Co-Evolution:An Interdisciplinary ApproachAGU2023
Cosmic Ray MuographyWorld Scientific2023
Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured RocksSpringer2023
Crustal magmatic system evolution : anatomy, architecture, and physico-chemical processesAGU2021Geophysical monograph ; 264
Data assimilation for the geosciencesElsevier2017
Dawn-dusk asymmetries in planetary plasma environmentsAGU2017Geophysical monograph ; 230
Deep earth : physics and chemistry of the lower mantle and coreAGU2016Geophysical monograph ; 217
Developments in earthquake geotechnicsSpringer20171 user
Distributed acoustic sensing in geophysics : methods and applicationsAGU2021Geophysical monograph ; 268
Dyke swarms of the world : a modern perspectiveSpringer20181 user
Dynamic magma evolutionAGU2020Geophysical monograph ; 254
Dynamic Mars : recent and current landscape evolution of the Red PlanetElsevier2018
The Early earth : accretion and differentiationAGU2015Geophysical monograph ; 212
Earth's core : geophysics of a planet's deepest interiorElsevier20211 user
The Earth's lower mantle : composition and structureSpringer2017
Earthquakes : models, statistics, testable forecasts (Statistical physics of fracture and breakdown)Wiley2014
Earthquake Precursors in the Atmosphere and IonosphereSpringer2022
Electric currents in geospace and beyondAGU2018 Geophysical monograph ; 235
Electromagnetic methods in geophysics : applications in GeoRadar, FDEM, TDEM, and AEMWiley2021
Electromagnetic sounding of the earth's interior. 2nd ed.Elsevier2015
Empirical Seismic Vulnerability and Resilience Assessment of Building ClustersElsevier2024
Encyclopedia of Earthquake EngineeringSpringer2015
Encyclopedia of geology. 2nd ed.Elsevier20216 Vols.
Encyclopedia of the solar system. 3rd ed.Elsevier2014
The encyclopedia of volcanoes. 2nd ed.Elsevier2015
Engineering for earthquake disaster mitigation(Springer series in geomechanics and geoengineering)Springer20141 user
Exploiting seismic waveforms : correlation, heterogeneity and inversionCambridge University Press2020
Extreme events in geospac : origins, predictability, and consequencesElsevier2017

    > このページの先頭へ(to top)

TitlePublisherYear Note
Fault zone dynamic processes : evolution of fault properties during seismic ruptureAGU2017Geophysical monograph ; 227
Fiducial reference measurements for altimetry : proceedings of the International Review Workshop on Satellite AltimetrySpringer2020
Fluid dynamics in complex fractured-porous systems (Dynamics of fluids and transport in complex fractured-porous systems) AGU2015Geophysical monograph ; 210
Foundations in Geophysical Electromagnetic Theory and Methods. 2nd ed.Elsevier2018
Fundamentals of rock physicsCambridge University Press2021
Galapagos : a natural laboratory for the Earth sciencesAGU2014 Geophysical monograph ; 204
Geodetic heightsSpringer2019Springer Geophysics
1 user
Geodetic time series analysis in earth sciencesSpringer2019
Geologic fracture mechanicsCambridge University Press2019
Geophysical Data Analysis and Inverse Theory with MATLAB® and PythonCambridge University Press2024
Geomagnetically induced currents from the sun to the power GridAGU2019Geophysical Monograph ; 244
Geophysical exploration technology : applications in lithological and stratigraphic reservoirsElsevier2014
Geophysical modelling of the polar motionSpringer20201 user
Global seismicity dynamics and data-driven science : seismicity modelling by big data analyticsSpringer20201 user
GNSS atmospheric seismology : theory, observations and modelingSpringer20191 user
GNSS SeismogeodesyElsevier20221 user
Granites : petrology, structure, geological setting, and metallogenyOxford University Press20151 user
Ground motion seismologySpringer 20211 user
Hawaiian volcanoes : from source to surfaceAGU2015Geophysical monograph ; 208
Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 1: Geological and Historic ApproacheseWiley2022
Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 2: Seismology, Deformation and Remote SensingWiley2022
Hazards and Monitoring of Volcanic Activity 3: Gravimetric, Electric and Magnetic Fluids, Products and MethodsWiley2022
Human geoscienceSpringer2019
Hydrodynamics of time-periodic groundwater flowAGU2017 Geophysical monograph ; 224
Iceland : tectonics,volcanics, and glacial featuresAGU2020 Geophysical monograph ; 247
An Impulse and earthquake energy balance approach in nonlinear structural dynamicsCRC Press2021
Integrated Earthquake SimulationCRC Press2022
Integrated imaging of the earth : theory and applicationsAGU2016Geophysical monograph ; 218
Intelligent Methods with Applications in Volcanology and SeismologySpringer2023
Introduction to controlled-source electromagnetic methods : detecting subsurface fluidsCambridge University Press2019
An Introduction to Distributed Optical Fibre SensorsCRC Press2017
Introduction to numerical geodynamic modelling. 2nd ed.Cambridge University Press2019
Introduction to Python in earth science data analysis : from descriptive statistics to machine learningSpringer2021
Introduction to quantum metrology : the revised SI system and quantum standards. 2nd ed.Springer20191 user
Introduction to satellite remote sensingElsevier2017
Inverse theory and applications in geophysics. 2nd ed. Elsevier2015
Involvement of Fluids in Earthquake Ruptures : Field/Experimental Data and ModelingElsevier20171 user
Ionosphere dynamics and applicationsAGU2021Geophysical monograph ; 260
Ionospheric space weather : longitude and hemispheric dependence and lower atmosphere forcingAGU2016Geophysical monograph ; 220
Isotope GeologyCambridge University Press2008

    > このページの先頭へ(to top)

TitlePublisherYear Note
Lithospheric DiscontinuitiesAGU2018Geophysical monograph ; 239
Magma redox geochemistryAGU2021Geophysical monograph ; 266
Magmas under pressure : advances in high-pressure experiments on structure and properties of meltsElsevier2018
Magmatism in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, AntarcticaCambridge University Press2023
The Magnetic DeclinationSpringer2022
Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling in the solar systemAGU2016Geophysical monograph ; 222
Magnetospheres in the Solar SystemAGU2021Geophysical monograph ; 259
Mantle convection and surface expressionsAGU2021Geophysical monograph ; 263
Mars : a volcanic worldSpringer2021
The mechanics of earthquakes and faulting. 3rd ed.Cambridge University Press2019
Merapi VolcanoSpringer2023
The mixing of magmas : field evidence, numerical models, experimentsSpringer2021
Muography:Exploring Earth′s Subsurface with Elementary ParticlesAGU2022Geophysical monograph ; 270
Natural electromagnetic fields in pure and applied geophysicsSpringer2020
Natural hazard uncertainty assessment : modeling and decision supportAGU2016Geophysical monograph ; 223
Neapolitan volcanoes : a trip around Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei and IschiaSpringer20181 user
New-Generation SAR for Earth Environment ObservationElsevier2024
New Zealand landscapeElsevier2017
Noisy Oceans:Monitoring Seismic and Acoustic Sign als in the Marine EnvironmentAGU2024
Observations, modeling and systems analysis in geomagnetic data IiterpretationSpringer20201 user
Parameter estimation and inverse problems. 3rd ed.Elsevier2018
Physical GeodesySpringer2023
The Physics of Rock Failure and EarthquakesCUP20131 user
Plate boundaries and natural hazardsAGU2016Geophysical monograph ; 219
Plate TectonicsSpringer2022
A Practical course in advanced structural designCRC Press2021
Practical finite element modeling in earth science using MatlabWiley2017
A practical guide to rock microstructure. 2nd ed.Cambridge University Press2018
Pre-earthquake processes : a multidisciplinary approach to earthquake prediction studiesAGU2018Geophysical monograph ; 234
Proterozoic orogens of IndiaElsevier2017
Quantum measurement of gravity for geodesists and geophysicistsSpringer2020
Remote sensing of geomorphologyElsevier20201 user
Reservoir rock diagnostics for water or hydrocarbon exploration : acoustic and electric fields interaction phenomena in geophysical researchSpringer2019

    > このページの先頭へ(to top)

TitlePublisherYear Note
Seismic ambient noiseCambridge University Press2019
Seismic design methods for steel building structuresSpringer2021
Seismic forward modeling of fractures and fractured medium inversionSpringer20171 user
Seismic fracture characterization : concepts and practical applicationsElsevier2015
Seismic hazard and risk analysisCambridge University Press2021
Seismic inversion : theory and applicationsWiley2017
Seismic inversion methods : a practical approachSpringer20201 user
Seismic reservoir modeling : theory, examples, and algorithmsWiley2021
Seismoelectric exploration : theory, experiments, and applicationsAGU2020Geophysical monograph ; 252
The Seismoelectric method : theory and applicationsWiley2015
Self-potential method : theoretical modeling and applications in geosciencesSpringer2021
Shale : subsurface science and engineeringAGU2020 Geophysical monograph ; 245
Solar physics and solar windAGU2021 Geophysical monograph ; 258
Space weather effects and applicationsAGU2021 Geophysical monograph ; 262
Spectral Methods for the Estimation of the Effective Elastic Thickness of the LithosphereSpringe2022
Static conceptual fracture modeling : preparing for simulation and developmentWiley2019
Statistical methods and modeling of seismogenesisWiley2021
Subduction dynamics : from mantle flow to mega disastersAGU2016 Geophysical monograph ; 211
Submarine landslides : subaqueous mass transport deposits from outcrops to seismic profilesAGU2019 Geophysical monograph ; 246
Surface Ruptures Associated with the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Sequence in Southwest JapanSpringer2022
Thermal remote sensing of active volcanoes : a user's manualCambridge University Press2013
Time series analysis in seismology : practical applicationsElsevier2019
Treatise on geochemistry. 2nd ed.Elsevier201415 Vols.
Treatise on geophysics. 2nd ed.Elsevier201511 Vols.
Tsunami : engineering perspective for mitigation, protection and modelingWorld Scientific20201 user
Tsunami propagation in Tidal RiversSpringer2018
Tsunamis : case studies and recent developmentsSpringer20061 user
Tsunamis in the European-Mediterranean regionElsevier2015
Understanding and reducing landslide disaster risk : Volume 3 Monitoring and early warningSpringer20201 user
Using geochemical data : to understand geological processes. 2nd ed.Cambridge University Press2021
Vesiculation and crystallization of magma : fundamentals of the volcanic eruption processSpringer2022
Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei, and Campanian volcanismElsevier2019
Volcanic and igneous plumbing systems : understanding magma transport, storage, and evolution in the Earth's crustElsevier2018
Volcanic AshElsevier2016
Volcano-tectonic processesSpringer20211 user
Volcanoes of Auckland: a field guideAuckland University Press20191 user
Volcanotectonics : understanding the structure, deformation and dynamics of volcanoesCambridge University Press2020

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