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MUOGRAPHERS Tokyo Conference:

Symposium and Workshop on Muon-Optics-Geoneutrino-Radar and Photonics for Earth Studies

Program Overview

Pre-Conference 開会シンポジウム(無料)(昼食懇親会付き) 定員40名

Monday June 8, 2015 (2015年6月8日)@Hungarian Embassy Tokyo (駐日ハンガリー大使館), 2-17-14 Mita, Minato, Tokyo 108-0073

 MC: Dr. Györgyi Juhász (The Embassy of Hungary)

9:30 Registration(登録)
10:00-10:15 Greetings (ご挨拶
- Dr. István Szerdahelyi, Ambassador of Hungary to Japan
- Mr. Makoto Katsura, Ambassador for S&T Cooperation of MOFA
- Dr. Leonidas Karapiperis, Minister-Counsellor, Head of S&T Section at the Delegation of the EU to Japan
- Prof. Hiroaki Aihara, Vice President of The University of Tokyo
10:15-11:15 Plenary (基調講演)
- R&D funding in Hungary and in the EU, Horizon 2020
Ms. Szonja Csuzdi, head of department, Department for International Affairs, National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary (NRDIO) (20 min.)
- Wigner RCP and our activity in HORIZON2020
Prof. Peter Josef Levai, Director General of the MTA WIGNER Research Centre for Physics Budapest, Hungary (20 min.)
- Particle Physics and Earth Sciences
Prof. Hiroyuki Tanaka, Professor of High Energy Particle Geophysics at The University of Tokyo(20 min.)
11:15-11:30 Signing Ceremony (調印式)
(University of Tokyo ERI - MTA WIGNER Research Centre for Physics)
-Prof. Peter Josef Levai, Director General of the MTA WIGNER Research Centre for Physics
-Prof. Kazushige Obara, Director General of the Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
11:30-12:30 Reception (昼食懇親会)

At the opening symposium on June 8th, Horizon 2020, the biggest EU Research and Innovation Program, will be explained by Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDIO) from the view point of Hungary. 6月8日の開会シンポジウムはハンガリー科学技術政策室による欧州科学技術基本計画ホライゾン2020に関する基調講演その他が行われます。

Main Symposium シンポジウム(無料) (日英同時通訳付き) 定員400名

Tuesday June 9, 2015 (2015年6月9日)@Tokyo Prince Hotel (Hou-ou-no-ma鳳凰の間), 3-3-1 Shibakoen, Minato, Tokyo 105-8560

MC: Prof. Hiroyuki Tanaka (The University of Tokyo)

Greetings (ご挨拶)
-Prof. Kazuo Hotate, Executive Vice President of The University of Tokyo
-Mr. Norifumi Ushio, Director of Scientific Research Institutes Division, MEXT
-Prof. Hiroo Fukuda, Dean of School of Science, The University of Tokyo
-Prof. Kazushige Obara, Director General of Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
10:30-12:30 Plenary (基調講演)
-Scientific visualization and telemetry with a HEP flavour from Hungary
Prof. Peter Josef Levai (30 min.)
-Muon tomography - monitoring carbon storage
Prof. Jon Gluyas (30 min.)
-The world visualized by electromagnetic waves(電波で見る世界) 
Dr. Toshio Iguchi (30 min.)
-Development of Microwave Sensors onboard UAV and Microsatellites for Visualization of Earth Environmental and Its Applications
Prof. Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo (30 min.)   
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-14:45 Public Lecture (竹内薫講演会)
-The reason why we can look through a volcano with muons
Dr. Kaoru Takeuchi (75 min.)     
14:45-15:00 Coffee Break




Nature Café
-Looking through a volcano (火山を透視する)
Prof. Hiroyuki Tanaka
-Geoneutrinos to visualize the Earth (地球ニュートリノ観察による地球の可視化)
Prof. Kunio Inoue
-Phased array radar to vizualize thunderstorms (積乱雲を可視化するフェーズドアレイレーダ)
Prof. Tomoo Ushio
-Looking through the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (福島第一原発の透視)
Prof. Mitsuhiro Nakamura
-Panel Discussion Part1
-Coffee Break
-Panel Discussion Part2 
Closing Remarks       
18:00-20:00 Poster(ポスター) 
-Muographic Imaging of Tropospheric Dynamics by Taro Kusagaya
-Very Long Range Muography for Hazardous Volcanoes by Taro Kusagaya
-Stroboscopic Muography of Sakura-jima Volcano by Taro Kusagaya
-Tomographic modeling of muographic data with the Radon transform technique by Shogo Nagahara
-Muography using nuclear emulsion detector by Akira Nishio
-Development for Anti-Neutrino Directional Measurement Ⅰ by Yutaka Shirahata
-Development for Anti-Neutrino Directional Measurement Ⅱ by Takayuki Takai  

We will give an overview of the present state of earth visualization technologies and discuss their future prospects through key-note lectures by the world's leading scientists and science writer, Nature Cafe, and the poster session. 世界をリードする4名の科学者による基調講演、サイエンス作家竹内薫氏による講演会、Nature Caféパネルディスカッション、そして、ポスター発表を通して、地球の可視化技術の未来像を概観します。


Workshop ワークショップ(無料) 定員100名

Wednesday June 10, 2015 (2015年6月10日) @Tokyo Prince Hotel (Suehiro末広), 3-3-1 Shibakoen, Minato, Tokyo 105-8560

MC: Prof. Tomoo Ushio (Osaka University)

9:30-10:00 Registration


Session I-Land-based Remote Sensing
- Visualizing Lightning by Dr. Michael Stock
- Field Observation of Lifecycle of Cumulonimbus Clouds in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area (LCbEX) by Dr. Koyuru Iwanami
- Performance of Adaptive Digital Beamforming with MMSE Technique for Polarimetric Phased Array Weather Radar by Dr. Hiroshi Kikuchi
11:00-11:20 Coffee Break

- Multi-parameter weather radar observation and direct measurement for precipitation (偏波レーダーによる降水観測と直接観測)by Dr. Katsuhiro Nakagawa
- Development of X-band Active Phased Array Weather Radar by Dr. Satoshi Kida
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break  



Session-II-Satellite and Airborne Remote Sensing
- Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM): More Accurate and More Frequent Space-Borne Precipitation Observations by Dr. Takuji Kubota
- Realtime Monitoring of Active Volcanoes using Infrared Images from Satellites and Analyses of Eruption Sequences by Dr. Takayuki Kaneko
-Aeromagnetic Survey by Using Unmanned Helicopter by Dr. Takao Koyama    
14:00-14:20 Coffee Break  





- Gaseous Detectors for Cosmic Muography Measurements by Dr. Dezső Varga
- Data Acquisition System for Portable Detectors by Dr. Gergő Hamer
- Application of Portable Tracking Detectors for Muography by Dr. Oláh László
- Muography of the Shallow Part of Stromboli (Italy) by using Nuclear Emulsion Detector by Dr. Seigo Miyamoto
- Nuclear Emulsion Technologies for Muography by Dr. Kunihiro Morishima
- Muography of Volcanoes with Nuclear Emulsions by Dr. Ryuichi Nishiyama 
Session-IV-Geoneutrino Technology
-Geo-neutrino Technology by Dr. Hiroko Watanabe    

More technical details are discussed based on 20 short lectures given by researchers in the front lines. 素粒子物理学、リモートセンシング分野の国内外で活躍する第一線の研究者による20件程度の講演を軸とした、より掘り下げた国際ワークショップを開催します。