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Speakers / Panelists

Pre-Conference (June 8, 2015)

HORIZON2020 and Hungary
Szonja Csuzdi,  Ms. Szonja Csuzdi, currently Head of Department of International Affairs in the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Hungary, has been involved in international R&D activities since 2001 especially in EU Framework Programmes related fields. She is responsible for coordinating the R&D cooperation activities related to bilateral intergovernmental agreements, multilateral and EU progammes.
Peter Levai
Wigner RCP and our activity in HORIZON2020
Peter Levai,
Director General of the MTA WIGNER Research Centre for Physics Budapest, Hungary, (2012- ) , Knight Cross of the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic, 2007, Academy Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2003, Physics Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2001.
Hiroyuki Tanaka
Particle Physics and Earth Sciences
Hiroyuki Tanaka,
Professor of High Energy Particle Geophysics at The University of Tokyo. Tawara Award from The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, 2010, Paper Award from The Volcanological Society of Japan, 2011, EPS Award from SGEPSS, SSJ, VSJ, GSJ and JSPS, 2013.

Main Symposium (June 9, 2015)
(Plenary Speakers)

Peter Levai,
Scientific visualization and telemetry with a HEP flavour from Hungary
Peter Levai,
Director General of the MTA WIGNER Research Centre for Physics Budapest, Hungary, (2012- ) , Knight Cross of the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic, 2007, Academy Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2003, Physics Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2001.
Jon Gluyas
Muon tomography - monitoring carbon storage
Jon Gluyas,
2010 – 2011 — Director, CeREES, 2001 – 2005 — Acorn Oil & Gas, Founder and Geoscience director. 1981 — PhD, University of Liverpool. 2009 — President; Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain. 2010 – 2011 — Chairman of the Board; British Geological Survey. Jon received the Aberconway Medal from The Geological Society in 2000 for excellence in applied geology.
Toshio Iguchi
Toshio Iguchi,
2008年同電磁波計測研究センター長。2011年同電磁波計測研究所長、同フェロー。IEEE フェロー。He has been a member of the TRMM Science Team since the beginning and responsible for the development of the operational algorithm for the precipitation radar. His current research interests include the design of the dual-frequency precipitation radar (DPR) for the Global Precipitation Measurement program’s core satellite and the development of DPR retrieval algorithms
Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo
Development of Microwave Sensors onboard UAV and Microsatellites for Visualization of Earth Environmental and Its Applications
Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo,
Professor at the Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CEReS), Chiba University. He manages Josaphat Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory (JMRSL) and his main interests are theoretically scattering microwave analysis and its applications in microwave (radar) remote sensing, especially synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and subsurface radar (VLF) including DInSAR and PS-InSAR, analysis and design of antennas for mobile satellite communications and microwave sensors, development of microwave sensors including SAR for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and microsatellite development.
Kaoru Takeuchi
Kaoru Takeuchi,
マギル大学大学院博士課程修了(専攻、高エネルギー物理学理論)。2006年には「99.9%は仮説~思い込みで判断しないための考え方」(光文社新書)を出版し、 40万部を越えるベストセラーとなる。サイエンス作家として、 物理、数学、脳、宇宙、など幅広い科学ジャンルで発信を続ける一方、 テレビ、ラジオ、講演なども精力的に活動している。Ph.D. Kaoru Takeuchi wrote the bestseller book “99.9% is hypothesis”(400,000 books sold) in 2006. As a science writer, he is presenting topics related to physics, mathematics, brain, universe, etc. to non-experts.

(Nature Café Speakers)
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(Nature Café Panelists)
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(Poster Presenters)

Taro Kusagaya
Taro Kusagaya – Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo
Shogo Nagahara
Shogo Nagahara – Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo
Yutaka Shirahata
Yutaka Shirahata – Research Center for Neutrino Science, Tohoku University
Akira Nishio – Dept. of Physics, Nagoya University
Takayuki Takai
Takayuki Takai – Research Center for Neutrino Science, Tohoku University

Workshop (June 10, 2015)
(Workshop Speakers)

Dezső Varga
Dezső Varga – Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
László Oláh
László Oláh – Eötvös Loránd University and Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Gergő Hamar
Gergő Hamar – Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Kunihiro Morishima
Kunihiro Morishima – Department of Physics, Nagoya University
Koyuru Iwanami
Koyuru Iwanami – Research Center for Neutrino Science, Tohoku University
Michael Stock
Michael Stock – Osaka University
Hiroshi Kikuchi
Hiroshi Kikuchi – Division of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, Osaka University
Masakazu Wada –Toshiba
Katsuhiro Nakagawa – National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Takuji Kubota
Takuji Kubota – Earth Observation Research Center, JAXA
Hiroko Watanabe
Hiroko Watanabe – Research Center for Neutrino Science, Tohoku University
Ryuichi Nishiyama – Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Seigo Miyamoto
Seigo Miyamoto – Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Takayuki Kaneko – Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo

Takayuki Kaneko
Takayuki Kaneko
Takao Koyama – Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo