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General Assembly


Monday, November 7, 2016

Delegation of the European Union to JapanEU

4-6-28 Minamiazabu, Minato, Tokyo 106-0047

MC: Dr. Leonidas Karapiperis (EU Delegation)

9:30 Registration
10:00-10:05 Welcome Address
H.E. Viorel Isticioaia-Budura, Ambassador of the EU to Japan
Morning Session
Introductory Talks 
- Introductory muography, Hiroyuki Tanaka, The University of Tokyo, Japan (15 min.)

- Integrating muography research infrastructures in Europe, Cristiano Bozza, INFN and the University of Salerno, Italy (30 min.)

Plenary Talks

- TOMUVOL muography project, Cristina Carloganu, LPC / IN2P3 / CNRS, France (20 min.)

- Proposal to make a permanent muography observatory on Puy de Dome, Philippe Labazuy,  Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand, France (20 min.)

- MURAVES muography Project,
Giovanni Macedonio, INGV, Italy (20 min.)

11:50-13:00 Lunch
Session I
Plenary Talks 
- Great Pyramid of Giza and the Aseismatic Structure: Potential of Muography, Michinori Ohshiro,  Komazawa University, Japan (20 min.)

- ScanPyramid muography project, Kunihiro Morishima,  Nagoya University, Japan (20 min.)

- MICROMEGAS muography project
, Simon Bouteille,  CEA, France (20 min.)

- KM3NeT muography project
, Rosa Coniglione,  INFN, Italy (20 min.)

- DeepCarbon muography project
, Lee Thompson,  The University of Sheffield, UK (20 min.)

14:40-15:00 Coffee Break
Afternoon Session II
Plenary Talks 
- ASTRI muography project, Osvaldo Catalano,  IASF Palermo - INAF, Italy (20 min.)

- Imaging underground cavities by cosmic-ray muons: observations at Mt Echia, Naples, Italy, Giulio Saracino, INFN and the University of Naples, Italy (20 min.)

- REGARD muography project, Dezso Varga, Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciecen, Hungary (20 min.)

- T2D2M muography project
, Ignacio Lazaro Roche, The University of Nice, France (20 min.)

- Muography at Kyushu University, Tadahiro Kin, Kyushu University, Japan (20 min.)

- Introduction to Virtual Muography Instiutue, Hirohisa Mori,  International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Japan (20 min.)

- Science and Technology meet Humanities, Paolo Strolin,  INFN and the University of Naples, Italy (20 min.)
17:20-17:30 Closing remarks
Dr. Leonidas Karapiperis, Minister-Counsellor, Head of S&T Section, the EU Delegation to Japan
18:00-20:00 Networking Reception

Hosted by the Delegation of the European Union to Japan
Organised by The University of Tokyo, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Università di Salerno, MTA WIGNER Research Centre for Physics, The University of Sheffield