May. 16, 2024Honor Dr. Tomoki and Prof. Nagao received the "JSAS Best Paper Award" from Japanese Society of Applied Statistics.
May. 2, 2024Paper A peer-reviewed paper entitled "Dominant mode extraction based on the four-dimensional variational method" will appear in Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2024).
Apr. 22, 2024Paper A paper "Observation Point Selection for Detecting Low-Frequency Earthquakes Using Multiple Clustering Based on Mixed Wishart Model" has been published in Applied Statistics, special issue "Machine Learning and Its Applications."
Apr. 16, 2024Paper The member list is updated.
Nov. 30, 2023Research Update The summary of a reserch "Seismic-phase Detection Using Multiple Deep Learning Models for Global and Local Representations of Waveforms" is updated. Click here for details.
Oct. 18, 2023Member Update The member list is updated.
July. 5, 2023Paper A paper related to development of a deep learning model to detect seismic waves in continuous seismic waveform data has been accepted in Geophysical Journal International.
May. 17, 2023Research Update The summary of a reserch "Adjoint-based Uncertainty Quantification for Inhomogeneous Friction on a Slow-slipping Fault" is updated. Click here for details.
May. 10, 2023Research Update The summary of a reserch "Detection of Low-Frequency Tremors in Paper Records from About 50 Years Ago Based on Artificial Intelligence" is updated. Click here for details.
May. 1, 2023Member Update The member list is updated.
Jan. 29, 2023Paper A paper “Detection of Deep Low-Frequency Tremors from Continuous Paper Records at a Station in Southwest Japan About 50 Years Ago Based on Convolutional Neural Network” has been accepted in Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth.
Sep. 6, 2022Paper A paper "Adjoint-based uncertainty quantification for inhomogeneous friction on a slow-slipping fault " has been accepted in Geophysical Journal International.
Apr. 4, 2022Member Update The member list is updated.
Dec. 9, 2021Paper A paper "Bayesian modelling of the equation of state for liquid iron in Earth’s outer core" has been accepted in Journal of Geophysical Research.
Nov. 18, 2021Paper A paper "Detection of low-frequency earthquakes by the matched filter technique using the product of mutual information and correlation coefficient" has been accepted in Earth Planets Space.
Nov. 17, 2021Member Update The member list is updated.
Sep. 9, 2021Honor The graduate school student Ryosuke Kaneko received Excellent Presentation Award(優秀報告賞)in Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting 2021.
Sep. 7, 2021Recruit Project researchers who promote STAR-E Project and CREST are recruited. Click here for details.
Jun. 18, 2021New Project The research subject investigated by Prof. Hiromichi Nagao has been accepted for STAR-E Project by MEXT. Click here for details.
Apr. 1, 2021Member Update The member list is updated.
Mar. 22, 2021Paper A paper "Forecasting temporal variation of aftershocks immediately after a main shock using Gaussian process regression" has been accepted in Geophysical Journal International.
Feb. 23, 2021Paper Mr. Kaneko's paper has been accepted in PAKDD 2021.
Feb. 16, 2021Paper Dr. Anzaki's paper has been accepted in Physical Review B.
Apr. 1, 2020Member Update The member list is updated.
Apr. 1, 2020New Member Dr. Ryoji Anzaki has joined our laboratory as a project researcher.
Nov. 6, 2019Book "Active Geophysical Monitoring (2nd Edition)" has been published by Elsevier. Prof. Hiromichi Nagao contributed to one of the chapters.
Apr. 30, 2019Paper "Bayesian inference of grain growth prediction via multi-phase-field models" by Ito, Nagao et al. has been accepted in Physical Review Materials.
Apr. 11, 2019UTokyo Voices Prof. Hiromichi Nagao appears in UTokyo Voices.
Apr. 1, 2019Member Update The member list is updated.
Feb. 1, 2019New Member Dr. Kei Hasegawa has joined our laboratory as a project researcher.
Oct. 19, 2018Paper "Diffusion creep and grain growth in forsterite + 20 vol% enstatite aggregates: 1. High‐resolution experiments and their data analyses" by Nakakoji et al. has been accepted in Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth.
Oct. 5, 2018Website Renewal Major upgrade of the website from "Nagao Lab." to "Nagao & Ito Lab."
Sep. 18, 2018Paper "Recovering the past history of natural recording media by Bayesian inversion" by Kuwatani et al. has been accepted in Physical Review E.
Aug. 16, 2018Promotion Dr. Shin-ichi Ito has been promoted to an assistant professor of Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Apr. 1, 2018Members Update The member list is updated.
Oct. 4, 2017Honor Sasaki et al., "Parameter estimation for phase-field models using data assimilation based on the ensemble Kalman filter" received Sundman Award in NIMS Week 2017.
Sep. 13, 2017Paper "Data assimilation for phase-field models based on the ensemble Kalman filter" by Sasaki et al. has been accepted in Computational Materials Science.
Sep. 9, 2017Paper "Grain growth prediction based on data assimilation by implementing 4DVar on multi-phase-field model" by Ito, S., H. Nagao et al. has been accepted in Science and Technology of Advanced Materials.
Jul. 26, 2017Paper "Seismic wavefield imaging of long-period ground motion in the Tokyo Metropolitan area, Japan" by Kano, M., H. Nagao et al. has been published in Journal of Geophysical Research.
Apr. 1, 2017New Project "Tokyo Metropolitan Resilience" has started.
Apr. 1, 2017KAKENHI Awarded JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B).
Apr. 1, 2017Members Update The member list is updated.
Mar. 5, 2017Honor The graduate school student Takashi Kurokawa received Student Paper Award in Spring Meeting of Japan Statistical Society.
Dec. 7, 2016Paper "Seismic wavefield imaging based on the replica exchange Monte Carlo method" by Kano, M., H. Nagao et al. has appeared in Geophysical Journal International.
Nov. 9, 2016Research Update the page of "Research".
Oct. 14, 2016Paper "Data assimilation for massive autonomous systems based on a second-order adjoint method" by Ito, S., H. Nagao et al. has appeared in Physical Review E
Jul. 30, 2016Paper "Bayesian inference of forces causing cytoplasmic streaming in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos and mouse oocytes" by Niwayama, R., H. Nagao et al. has appeared in PLoS ONE
Apr. 1, 2016Members Update The member list is updated.
Jun. 23, 2015Paper "Azimuth verification of the MeSO-net seismographs" by Kano, M., H. Nagao et al. has appeared in Journal of the Seismological Society of Japan.
Apr. 1, 2015Members Update The member list is updated.
Mar. 3, 2015Paper "Estimating cellular parameters through optimization procedures: elementary principles and applications" by Kimura, A., A. Celani, H. Nagao et al. has appeared in Frontiers in Physiology.
Oct. 1, 2014New Project "Development of materials integration system" has started as a project of Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) of Cabinet Office and Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).
Aug. 1, 2014Members Update The member list is updated.
May 12, 2014Paper A peer-reviewed paper entitled "What is required for data assimilation that is applicable to big data in the solid Earth science?" will appear in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2014).
Apr. 1, 2014KAKENHI Acquire JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) for research on data assimilation in the solid Earth science.
Apr. 1, 2014KAKENHI Acquire JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas for innovation of data assimilation with sparse modeling.
Nov. 1, 2013Visiting Associate Professor Concurrently serve as a visiting associate professor of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics.
Oct. 16, 2013Education Concurrently serve as an associate professor of Department of Mathematical Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo.
Oct. 15, 2013Paper "Data assimilation system for seismoacoustic waves --- Verification by a twin experiment" by H. Nagao and T. Higuchi will appear in Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics.
Sep. 1, 2013Promotion Promoted to an associate professor of Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo.
NAGAO & ITO Laboratory
Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 113-0032