Research group of Assoc. Prof. Tsuyoshi Ichimura and Ph.D student Takuma Yamaguchi was awarded the following prizes in SC17 at Denver, USA. SC17 is one of the top conferences in high-performance computing.
■Research by Assoc. Prof. Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Assis. Prof. Kohei Fujita, Ph.D student Takuma Yamaguchi, Prof. Muneo Hori, Assoc. Prof. Lalith Maddegedara, and Vice Director Naonori Ueda (RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project) was awarded the SC17 Best Poster Award. Research posters in SC conference series are known for its high level exploratory research. This year, 99 out of 169 submissions were accepted (acceptance rate 58%), and one best poster was selected out of the accepted submissions.
Research summary:
The research subject to the award is concerning next generation earthquake ground motion estimation system based on large-scale simulation combined with artificial intelligence (AI). Here, an AI trained with earthquake ground motion data computed using the full K computer system enabled fast estimation of ground motion for wide areas concerning uncertainty.
Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Kohei Fujita, Takuma Yamaguchi, Muneo Hori, Maddegedara Lalith and Naonori Ueda (2017), AI with Super-Computed Data for Monte Carlo Earthquake Hazard Classification. (Webpage of RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science concerning SC17 Best Poster Award)
■Research by Ph.D student Takuma Yamaguchi, Assis. Prof. Kohei Fujita, Assoc. Prof. Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Prof. Muneo Hori, Assoc. Prof. Lalith Maddegedara, and Prof. Kengo Nakajima (Information Technology Center) was awarded Best Paper Award in Fourth Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives (WACCPD) held in conjunction with SC17.
Research summary:
The research subject to the award is concerning acceleration of large-scale, many-case high-resolution finite-element simulation for three-dimensional crust-deformation analyses using GPUs. This research is expected to be useful for improving quantitative analysis of crust-deformation by many-case, large-scale analysis.
Takuma Yamaguchi, Kohei Fujita, Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Muneo Hori, Maddegedara Lalith and Kengo Nakajima (2017), Implicit Low-Order Unstructured Finite-Element Multiple Simulation Enhanced by Dense Computation using OpenACC.
In addition to the awards received this year, the research group has been awarded/nominated in the past SC conference series in 2014, 2015 and 2016. The research awarded this year is continued effort from these researches, and is expected to contribute towards future research activities.
References to research awarded/nominated by research group in the past SC conference series:
・SC14(2014): City simulation by Assoc. Prof. Tsuyoshi Ichimura et al. nominated for ACM Gordon Bell Prize Finalist. The ACM Gordon Bell Prize is one of the best awards in computational science, and 3 to 6 groups are nominated for finalists every year:
Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Kohei Fujita, Seizo Tanaka, Muneo Hori, Lalith Maddegedara, Yoshihisa Shizawa, Hiroshi Kobayashi (2014), Physics-based urban earthquake simulation enhanced by 10.7 BlnDOF × 30 K time-step unstructured FE non-linear seismic wave simulation.
・SC15(2015): Comprehensive earthquake simulation by Assoc. Prof. Tsuyoshi Ichimura et al. nominated for ACM Gordon Bell Prize Finalist:
Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Kohei Fujita, Pher Errol Balde Quinay, Lalith Maddegedara, Muneo Hori, Seizo Tanaka, Yoshihisa Shizawa, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Kazuo Minami (2015), Implicit nonlinear wave simulation with 1.08T DOF and 0.270T unstructured finite elements to enhance comprehensive earthquake simulation.
・SC16(2016): Crust deformation simulation using the K computer by Assis. Prof. Kohei Fujita (then RIKEN), Assoc. Prof. Tsuyoshi Ichimura et al. awarded SC16 Best Poster Award:
Kohei Fujita, Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Kentaro Koyama, Masashi Horikoshi, Hikaru Inoue, Larry Meadows, Seizo Tanaka, Muneo Hori, Takane Hori (2016), A Fast Implicit Solver with Low Memory Footprint and High Scalability for Comprehensive Earthquake Simulation System.
・SC16-WACCPD (2016): Crust deformation simulation using GPUs by Assis. Prof. Kohei Fujita (then RIKEN), Takuma Yamaguchi et al. awarded Best Paper Award in Third Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives (WACCPD) held in conjunction with SC16:
Kohei Fujita, Takuma Yamaguchi, Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Muneo Hori and Lalith Maddegedara (2016), Acceleration of Element-by-Element Kernel in Unstructured Implicit Low-order Finite-element Earthquake Simulation using OpenACC on Pascal GPUs.