Useful Information

Life in Japan and the University of Tokyo

Visa and Entering Japan


How to contact ERI colleagues

Acess ERI Directory as below (Note: works only for internal computer network. No equivalently simple way is provided for outsiders):

  1. Go to ERI English webpage
  2. OR Click Here[Internal Only]
  3. Then you find ERI “internal only” page. The page is written mostly in Japanese. Yet, you may find “Database & Directory” in the upper part of the page.
  4. Click “Database & Directory”, which leads you another page that looks mostly Japanese again.
  5. Yet, again, you may find “Directory of ERI” in the upper part of the page.
  6. Click “Directory of ERI”, which leads you to the Directory page.

Short version: simply click me (accessible within campus only). You will see name/title/internal phone number/room number/email address