JST Sakura Science Program at ERI

ERI Summer Internship Program under JST Sakura Science Program 2025

“If you have any questions, please contact to: intl-office@eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp. Thank you.”

This is a 3-week internship program for students from all countries and regions, funded by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). We have been carrying out this program as a short-term research with ERI professors. 


Internship program for undergraduate and graduate students JST Page  


JST Sakura Science Internship Program 2025

We start the call for a 3-week internship program in the summer of 2025 (applying for JST Sakura Science Program).

■ Program Period:  Saturday, Aug. 23– Friday, Sept. 12, 2025   

(Please note that we do not accept extension of your stay in Japan, either before or after the program.)    

■ Call for application: Application Deadline is January 5, 2025. (Please look over more details below.)

■ Applicants will be informed of interim selection result by early March. Final selection result will be announced by the end of April. Please note that ERI will apply to JST for funding. The program for 2025 is subject to change depending on the result of application to be announced, be postponed or cancelled depending on the result of the application. We will keep posting an update on this page.


ERI Summer Internship Program under JST Sakura Program 2025

Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), the University of Tokyo is planning to invite 8 undergraduate or graduate students for short summer internship program. This is a 3-week internship program for students from all countries and regions, to be funded by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). We have been carrying out this program as a short-term research with ERI professors. The program contains on learning scientific/engineering introduction to the seismology, volcanology, earth dynamics or geology/geophysics, under the supervision of host researchers at ERI.

Prior contact with an ERI faculty member is required in order to complete application

We particularly welcome students who consider studying at ERI as a student of The Graduate School, The University of Tokyo. This year, we encourage application, especially from the countries/regions that had natural disasters recently or from researchers interested in doing research in those areas.


Dates: Saturday, August 23, 2025 to Friday, September 12, 2025

The program focuses on learning scientific/engineering introduction to the seismology, volcanology,

earth dynamics or geology/geophysics, under the supervision of host researchers at ERI.   



  • Eligible countries: All countries and regions

In terms of export control, those whose organizations are listed in the End User List are not eligible:

  • Undergraduate or graduate students aged 40 or younger (as of Aug. 25, 2025)

We particularly welcome students who consider studying at ERI as a student of The Graduate School, The University of Tokyo.

Those who were enrolled in an eligible organization at the time of application but graduated or left their position by the time of the exchange program will no longer be accepted as participants.

  • A person who has not studied in Japan (including Sakura Science Program in the past)

Invitation through the Sakura Science Program must be their first stay in Japan after entering university. Those who have visited Japan only for short-term sightseeing (up to 10 days) are still eligible

Application: Go to Online Application Form for SAKURA SCIENCE PROGRAM (Google Form)


Application Deadline: Sunday, January 5, 2025, 24:00 (Japan Standard Time)

Materials requested in Application Form are as follows:

  1. Application form (including desired host researchers at ERI) which is entered online on the online application page above (Google Form).
  2. Current Research Theme (200-300 words including the title)
  3. Research Proposal at ERI (same as above)
  4. Transcript*
  5. *Undergraduate students must submit a complete transcript and GPA (or equivalent) covering all academic years since their admission to the undergraduate program. Graduate students must submit the same, plus their graduate transcript (up to the most recent semester) and GPA. If obtaining a transcript is difficult, a list of enrolled courses and grades should be provided instead.

  6. Certificate of Enrollment [Bonafide Certificate] (send a copy of student ID first, if it takes time to obtain the certificate)
  7. Recommendation letter (should be uploaded from the Google Form on the above URL* by the applicant)

Preferably, please create a single PDF file of the above document 2 – 6 and upload it on the online form.
*If you cannot access to the online application page, send all the documents (1-6) by e-mail to intl-office@eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp. You can download The Application Form from here.


For who’s who in ERI, visit http://www.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/member/


If you need further information, please feel free to contact the address below:

Masataka Kinoshita

E-mail: intl-office@eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Head, International Research Promotion Office

Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo 

1-1-1 Yayoi , Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032 JAPAN   Phone: +81-3-5841-5808 Fax: +81-3-5841-5643