Collaboration Center for Earthquake and Volcano Research



The Coordinating Committee of Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption Prediction Researches (CCEVPR) was established within ERI with the aim of managing the “Earthquake and Volcano Hazards Observation and Research Program,” a large MEXT-funded project to mitigate earthquake and volcanic disasters via advanced monitoring and prediction approaches. The Planning Committee was installed under CCEVPR to manage the planning and implementation of research programs in cooperation with universities and national research agencies across Japan. The Planning Committee consists of the Promotion Office and Strategy Office. The members of the Promotion Office include all of the researchers at the Collaboration Center for Earthquake and Volcano Research, researchers at other ERI centers, and visiting professors. One of the members of the Collaboration Center is a rotating member from a university outside of the University of Tokyo to ensure that the other participating institutions in the program are involved in the management of the Planning Committee; this position is rotated every two years or so. Researchers from other universities are members of the Strategy Office to ensure a world-renowned, integrated research program through stronger coordination and collaboration among the many research topics investigated by member universities and organizations.

CCEVPR holds a symposium in March each year to report the research results, and all of the universities and organizations involved in the program report on the outcomes of their research. The annual report issued by the Subdivision on Geodesy, Council for Science and Technology, which is edited by the Planning Committee, summarizes the research results from the program based on the presented reports of the individual research projects. CCEVPR holds public symposia and science cafes for science journalists to publicize the results from Research Program on the forecasting of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

We conduct activities of transferring results of the Research Program to government agencies, etc., to contribute to disaster mitigation, and conduct personnel exchanges with government agencies for this purpose. The Planning Committee develops an emergency research plan when a large earthquake or volcanic eruption occurs to financially support researchers analyzing these events immediately after their occurrence. Furthermore, the Planning Committee assists in coordinating a research group for Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

Coordination Center researchers also engage in research related to the Research Program. This research includes joint observations and analyses of crustal and mantle structures by a CCEVPR-organized research group, and Core-to-Core collaborative research with the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, to conduct risk assessments of large earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. These two research projects are important components of the Research Program.


For more information about the Coordinating Committee of Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption Prediction Researches, please visit


For more information about the Subdivision on Geodesy, Council for Science and Technology, please visit



Name Title Specialty
KATO Naoyuki Professor / Head of Center Seismology   
KOYAMA Takao Associate Professor Geoelectromagnetism
HAYASHIMOTO Naoki Associate Professor Disaster Mitigation Information / Earthquake Early Warning
YAMAZAKI Kenichi Associate Professor Solid Earth and Planetary Physics
YAMADA Tomoaki Assistant Professor Solid Earth and Planetary Physics