Prof. Shiobara and Prof. Shinohara received the Paper Award of Japan Society for Marine Surveys and Technology.
Selected Paper: Development of the broadband ocean bottom seismometer with the high precision pressure gauge for widening the observation range. (Journal of Japan Society for Marine Surveys and Technology 26(2), 1-17, 2014-09 )
Authors: Shiobara Hajime ; Shinohara Masanao ; Nakahigashi Kazuo
Reason: This paper was written for the purpose of capturing the crustal deformation, having a seismic observational system designed and manufactured that enables high-precision pressure measurement along with the temperature, and proving its observational efficacy at Kii Channel and offshore Tohoku.
The developed observational instrument has a possibility of contributing to the broadband observation which is for capturing the faulting that may cause large-scale earthquake . Therefore, with expectance that this paper might play an important role in the system of earthquake surveillance at ocean area in the future, it is highly ratable.