Prof. Naoshi Hirata received the “2015 Bousai kourousha bousaitantoudaijin hyoushou (Disaster mitigation contributor Award)”.
This is an award that will given from the Cabinet Office to those who contributed in spreading the ideas of disaster mitigation, consolidating the disaster prevention scheme or making a remarkable disaster-prevention activity at the time of disaster.
Achievement: prof.Hirata has a remarkable accomplishment in observational seismology, and has been contributing on a betterment of disaster mitigation empowerment and foremost studies and education. Moreover, he gave useful suggestions for the disaster-prevention government, and his work has been ranging in broad area. Additionally, for his research, he gained remarkable academic achievement by revealing the relations of crustal heterogeneous structure and the temporospatial distribution of the the microseismic activity, using a large-scale and bursty observational network.
By the same token, he has been taking part in disaster-prevention government as a committee member of “Bousaikanren chousa kenkyu no senryakuteki suishin WG (working group for strategic implementation in investigation of disaster mitigation)”, “Shuto chokka jishin model kentouiinnkai (committee for Tokyo metropolitan earthqake)” and “Bousai kyouiku challenge plan(Challenge plan for education in disaster mitigation), and gave useful suggestions from broad perception when formulating the policy for strategic thrust in investigation/ study for estimating earthquake distribution and tsunami height, contributing to the shakedown of disaster mitigation framework.