Title of the Book: “東日本大震災の科学” (Science of the 2011Tohoku earthquake)
Authors from ERI (in order of chapters) :Prof. Kazushige Obara Prof. Kenji Satake Prof. Shinji Sato Prof. Takashi Furumura Prof. Muneo Hori
This book summarizes what was taught in the seminars held at the University of Tokyo which was based on the finding from the researches of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. The 8 authors are professors from Earthquake Research Institute, School of Engineering and Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies. The book not only provides the insight of 2011 Tohoku earthquake from a various point of view, but also advocate disaster mitigation for the next possible massive earthquakes.
JSCE: http://www.jsce-int.org/