Associate Prof. Kohei Fujita, Yuma Kikuchi(2nd year in Master’s Degree), Prof. Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Associate Prof. Lalith Wijerathne Maddegedara et al. received “Honorable Mention” from the Program Committee on Eighth Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives (WACCPD21)

Paper Title: GPU porting of scalable implicit solver with Green’s function-based neural
networks by OpenACC
Authors: Kohei Fujita1,2, Yuma Kikuchi1, Tsuyoshi Ichimura1,2 , Muneo Hori3 , Lalith
Maddegedara1 , Naonori Ueda2
Affiliation: 1.The University of Tokyo, 2. RIKEN, 3. Japan Agency for Marine Earth
Science and Technology
When: 2021/11/14