April 25th,2015 earthquake in Nepal

Launched: 28th April, 2015

Last updated: 30th April, 2015

April 25th,2015 at 06:11:26 UTC, M7.8 earthquake occurred in Nepal.

30th April, 2015

Back-projection results

 (Ocean Hemisphere Research Center: Wang Dun )

Figure 1 Station map for the European regional array (left), China array (middle), and Hi-net (right). The Focal mechanism is determined by the GCMT. Solid and dashed lines show the epicenter distances and strikes of the nodal planes, respectively.
Figure 1 Station map for the European regional array (left), China array (middle), and Hi-net (right). The Focal mechanism is determined by the GCMT. Solid and dashed lines show the epicenter distances and strikes of the nodal planes, respectively.
Figure 2 Colorful squares indicate the timings and amplitudes of the stack with the maximum amplitude ate each time step (2s) derived from data recorded at three arrays in Europe, China, and Japan (Hi-net) filtered between 0.05 and 0.5 Hz. The gray and black circles show the previous seismicity and aftershocks (one day after the origin time). Gray dashed lines show the plate boundary between Indian plate and Eurasian plate. The red triangle indicates the location of capital city Kathmandu.
Figure 2 Colorful squares indicate the timings and amplitudes of the stack with the maximum amplitude at each time step (2s) derived from data recorded at three arrays in Europe, China, and Japan (Hi-net) filtered between 0.05 and 0.5 Hz. The gray and black circles show the previous seismicity and aftershocks (one day after the origin time). Gray dashed lines show the plate boundary between Indian plate and Eurasian plate. The red triangle indicates the location of capital city Kathmandu.

27th April, 2015

Moment Tensor Solution derived by W-phase Source Inversion

(Earthquake and Volcano Information Center:Tsuruoka Hiroshi)


Moment Tensor Solution determined by W-phase Source Inversion using waveform data recorded in global scale. This method is developed by Kanamori and Rivera (2008).

