(Danwakai: ERI Holds “Danwakai”, a monthly meeting where its members present their most recent academic and technical achievements, once a month on Friday of every month. Danwakai is open to the public.)
Date: Friday, 18 June 13:30-
Place: Web Meeting (Zoom)
*URL and password will be provided by internal e-mail on June 18.
- 13:30-13:45
TITLE: Toward the next project of the Science of Slow Earthquakes
AUTHOR: *Aitaro KATO・Kimihiro MOCHIZUKI・Makoto UYESHIMA・Tsuyoshi ICHIMURA・ Shigeki NAKAGAWA・Kazushige OBARA and Keisuke YANO (ISM)
SUMMARY: We report on the results about the next project of the Science of Slow Earthquakes.
2. 13:45-14:00
TITLE: Slow earthquakes illuminating interplate coupling heterogeneities in subduction zones
AUTHOR: *Satoru BABA・Shunsuke TAKEMURA・Kazushige OBARA and Akemi NODA (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Now at Meteorological Research Institute)
SUMMARY: We detected very low frequency earthquakes and compared their activity with slip deficit rates of plate boundaries.
3. 14:00-14:15
TITLE: Application of a Premelting Model to the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary
AUTHOR: Hatsuki YAMAUCHI(Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory) and *Yasuko TAKEI
SUMMARY: Seismic velocity profile of oceanic upper mantle was calculated from a premelting model and was compared with observations.
4. 14:15-14:30
TITLE: Earth and Environmental Historical Science: Collaboration between historical and natural science for understanding correlation between human and nature
AUTHOR: *Yasuyuki KANO