Danwakai: ERI Holds “Danwakai”, a monthly meeting where its members present their most recent academic and technical achievements, once a month on Friday of every month. Danwakai is open to the public.
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Date: Friday, September 22, 2023 13:30~(JST)
Place: ERI Bldg.1, 2nd floor, Seminer Room1
Livestream Zoom Webiner
* The zoom URL and password required for participation will be provided on the day of the event to those who wish to attend.
1. 13:30-13:45
TITLE: Tectonic tremor distribution and migration at Kumano-nada: insights from ocean-bottom seismometer deployment between DONET1 and 2
AUTHOR: *Takeshi AKUHARA, Yusuke YAMASHITA (Kyoto Univ.), Hiroko SUGIOKA (Kobe Univ.), Farazi Atikul HAQUE・Shukei OHYANAGI・Yoshihiro ITO (Kyoto Univ.), Eiichiro ARAKI, Takashi TONEGAWA (JAMSTEC), Takeshi TSUJI (Tokyo Univ.), Ryosuke AZUMA・Ryota HINO (Tohoku Univ.), Kimihiro MOCHIZUKI・Shunsuke TAKEMURA・Tomoaki YAMADA and Masanao SHINOHARA
2. 13:45-14:00
TITLE: Towards high-resolution simulation of post-disaster economy
SUMMARY: We developed an Agent-based system to simulate Japanese economy in high resolution and validated by comparing with past data, and working on extending it to simulate post-disaster economy.
3. 14:00-14:15
TITLE: Synergistic Approach to Robustly Reconstruct Eruption
Plume Dynamics: Application to Campi Flegrei, Italy.
AUTHOR: *Beatriz MARTINEZ MONTESINOS・Yujiro J SUZUKI, Antonio COSTA(National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Bologna, Italy) and Leonardo MINGARI(Geosciences Barcelona (GEO3BCN), The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain)
SUMMARY: We use the FALL3D ash dispersal model to determine source conditions by inverting field data within an ensemble-based method, and the SK3D model to resolve the volcanic plume. The estimation of the eruption source parameters obtained from one approach is used in the other to better reconstruct the eruption plume dynamics of the ~39 ka Campanian Ignimbrite super-eruption in Campi Flegrei, Italy.