Institute: Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
Title: Research Fellow
Country/Region: Taiwan
Period: 2019/05/07 ~ 2019/05/15
Theme: Ocean-bottom seismology and the implementation of the Pacific Array initiative
Host: Hajime SHIOBARA
Introduction: I was trained as a geophysicist with a wide range of interest. In the last several years I have mainly focused on the dynamics of subduction zones and mountain belts, using seismology tools aided by numerical modeling. Studied regions include Taiwan, Japan, Hindu Kush, and the middle America. One of my long-term effort is to develop ocean-bottom seismometers jointly with the major underwater technology institutes in Taiwan. This science-engineering endeavor has sparked a new wave of technological advancement in Taiwan that has driven the scientific research in Taiwan toward in a more sustainable way than before. In recent years, I have been forging collaborations on OBS and/or OBEM experiments in western Pacific with the JAMSTEC and the University of Tokyo. In this marine geophysics project, my collaborators also include KIOST, WHOI, and LDEO.
Fiscal Year: 2019
Ban-Yuan KUO