Institute: Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Title: JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow
Country/Region: Germany
Period: 2023/01/19-2023/07/18
Theme: Statistical analyses of non-double-couple components in seismic moment tensor catalogs
Host: Hitoshi KAWAKATSU
Introduction: My research focuses on the mathematical description of seismic sources taking a big data approach. By combining and comparing moment tensors from different catalogs with different inversion algorithms, I aim at gaining insight into general properties of earthquake source processes using statistical methods. This approach has led to a quantification of uncertainties in moment tensors (Rösler et al., 2021), the determination of the source of non-double-couple components, (Rösler and Stein, 2022), of criteria for the reliability of of NDC components (Rösler et al., 2023), and the identification of inconsistencies in inversion procedures (Rösler et al., 2022).
I received my Bachelor's degree in physics from the University of Colima in Colima, Mexico, and my master's and doctoral degrees in seismology from Northwestern University where I was advised by Prof. Seth Stein. As the only seismologist in the year, I was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, under which I am continuing my research together with Prof. Hitoshi Kawakatsu at the Earthquake Research Institute of on the significance of non-double-couple components in seismic moment tensors. Among others, our work addresses the questions which moment tensor catalog provides the most accurate non-double-couple components and whether uncertainties in non-double-couple components stem from uncertainties in the determination of the moment tensors’ fault angles.
Fiscal Year: 2023