Institute: Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
Title: Assistant Research Fellow
Country/Region: Taiwan
Period: 2018/03/20 ~ 2018/04/18
Theme: On the topographic effect of surface wave propagations
Host: Takuto MAEDA
Introduction: My interests lie mainly in exploring various tectonic problems seismologically and gaining better understanding of multi-scale Earth structure from shallow to deep, which includes a wide range of topics such as regional structural kinematics, unusual earthquake sequences, mountain building process, 3-D slab interaction, volcanic plumbing system, and inner core structure. One of my main focuses is on improving seismic imaging through multi-dataset joint inversion, waveform inversion, and body-wave seismic interferometry. In the meantime, I also work on earthquake rupture directivity and time-lapse environmental monitoring for earthquake and landslide hazard mitigation. The visit to ERI is to investigate the possible topographic effect on short-period surface wave measurements from ambient noise correlations, which could be important for interpreting crustal seismic imaging and monitoring at higher resolution in orogenic areas such as Taiwan, Japan, and Tibet.
Fiscal Year: 2018
Hsin-Hua HUANG