Institute: Malayer University
Title: Assistant Professor
Country/Region: Iran
Period: 2018/07/20 ~ 2018/08/30
Theme: Designing/Producing a Real-time Structural Health Monitoring System for Buildings
Host: Koichi KUSUNOKI
Introduction: My main research areas are focused on earthquake engineering and structural health monitoring (SHM) for bridges and buildings. The object of structural health monitoring (SHM) is to identify, locate and classify type and severity of damages induced by external actions. SHM is the advanced system to support earthquake disaster mitigation and evaluate building conditions, by providing continuous real-time monitoring of building behavior. For this purpose, we have started to work on some aspects of SHM from instruments designing to retrofitting or strengthening of structural systems. In this field, Professor Koichi Kusunoki has been designed a health monitoring system for well-designed engineering buildings under serve earthquakes. However, there are many old historical buildings and bridges in the world under service loadings and ambient vibration conditions. Therefore, permanent monitoring of such structures is a crucial task under operational conditions. It seems that Professor Kusunoki's health monitoring system should be changed and redesigned for high stiffness buildings with low ductility and based on each country's seismic design code.
Based on the above reasons, at ERI we will work on possible designing a real-time SHM system for assessing of structural performance of old bridges and historical buildings.
Fiscal Year: 2018