Institute: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Title: Professor
Country/Region: India
Period: 2022/06/01-2022/7/30
Theme: Paleo-tsunami deposit studies – identification of transoceanic and local tsunamis, and recurrence.
Host: Kenji SATAKE
Introduction: Hi everyone at ERI... It gives me a great pleasure and a strong homely feeling coming back to ERI...
After completing my Post-Doctoral research with Nakata-san from Hiroshima University (1999-2001), I developed my interest towards Active fault identification-mapping and to undertake Paleoseismological investigation to identify historic and pre-historic earthquake. I along with my students and collaborators (Koji-san & Morino-san) have focused on Himalayan and Kachchh regions (Gujarat). We discovered several new active faults from these regions.
After 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and getting in touch with Satake-san, I developed my research interest in paleo-tsunami and coastal paleoseismological studies. From collaborative projects between IITK and ERI-University of Tokyo we have generated excellent (new) information related to past-earthquakes, land-level changes and associated transoceanic/local tsunamis from Andaman Islands.
During my present stay at ERI we propose to jointly work out possibility working in western region of India – which got affected by 1945 Makaran tsunami as well as in Andaman & Nicobar. My stay got shorten because of COVID-19, but still hope to do some good work and generate valuable scientific information.
With great regards
Javed N. Malik
Fiscal Year: 2022
Javed N. MALIK