Institute: Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
Title: Professor
Country/Region: France
Period: 2019/09/01 ~ 2020/03/31
Theme: Data analysis and physical modelling of slow earthquakes sources and activity patterns
Host: Kazushige OBARA
Introduction: Jean-Pierre Vilotte ( H-1552-2017) is Professor at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, and Director of the High-performance Computer and Data Analysis Centre of IPGP. He is also Scientific Deputy at the French CNRS-INSU for high-performance computing, data and information technology. He was awarded Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in 2015. His research activity is at the interface between geophysics, mathematics, statistical physics, computational and data sciences. His current research interests include earthquake and slow earthquake seismology, earthquake rupture dynamics, statistical signal analysis. In the last years, he has been collaborating with Professor Kazushige Obara on array-based slow earthquake signal detection, source location and restoration. During his stay at ERI, he plans to collaborate with Professor Obara and his collaborators, in particular for the statistical analysis of slow earthquakes activity in relation with large earthquakes as plate boundaries are slowly driven out of equilibrium. This research is also linked to a recent European Research Council project (SEISMAZE) that Nikolai Shapiro and he are coordinating on tectonic and volcanic slow earthquakes.
Fiscal Year: 2019
Jean-Pierre VILOTTE