Institute: Cornell University
Title: Associate Professor
Country/Region: USA
Period: 2020/01/01-2020/05/31
Theme: Characterizing earthquake triggering, upper-plate faults, and fault-volcano interactions using seismicity recorded on dense arrays
Introduction: I am an associate professor at Cornell University in the U.S. I use a range of seismic methods to study deformation in the Earth’s crust, including local seismicity, multi-channel active-source imaging, and passive source structural methods such as receiver functions and tomography. My research is focused on actively deforming regions including extension in the East African Rift System and the western US, subduction megathrust behavior in Alaska and Cascadia, and upper plate faulting in Cascadia and Chile. In the last 10 years my work has expanded to include seismicity in the previously quiet region of Oklahoma, in the central United States, related to industrial operations. I use this frequent and well-monitored seismicity dataset from Oklahoma to study fault structures and earthquake nucleation patterns. In each of these regions, I am interested in understanding the interplay between deformation andaqueous or magmatic fluids.
Fiscal Year: 2019