Title: SNF Early Postdoc Mobility Fellow
Country/Region: U.K
Period: 2019/09/24 ~ 2019/10/22
Theme: Source location of primary microseism in the Sea of Japan
Host: Kiwamu NISHIDA
Introduction: I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at University of Oxford studying ambient noise sources, in particular how they affect ambient noise cross-correlations and the imaging methods based on them. During my postdoctoral fellowship I aim to develop an inversion method to image primary microseism sources in the Sea of Japan. This step will hopefully increase our understanding of primary microseisms, and help to improve ambient noise-based imaging methods for the Earth’s structure. During my stay at ERI, I am planning to collaborate on the interpretation of noise source inversions with Prof. Kiwamu Nishida. I am also happy to discuss, share my experience, and receive advice from other researcher’s experiences on ambient noise, Earth imaging and signal processing topics.
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Fiscal Year: 2019
Fiscal Year: 2019