Title: Associate Professor
Country/Region: The Philippines
Period: 2022/06/16-2022/8/25
Theme: Development of Simulation Module for the Modeling the Long-Period Ground Motion and Dynamic Response of High-rise Structures in Urban Areas of the Philippines
Host: Tsuyoshi ICHIMURA
Introduction: I am an Associate Professor and the Head of the Structural Engineering Group at the University of the Philippines Institute of Civil Engineering. I obtained my doctoral degree in Civil Engineering from The University of Tokyo and worked as a Specially Appointed Assistant Professor at the Niigata University Research Institute for Natural Hazards and Disaster Recovery. My research interests include numerical modeling of long-period earthquake wave propagation, structure dynamic response analysis, integrated CAD-CAE, and automated finite element model generation. For this visiting program and in collaboration with Professor Tsuyoshi Ichimura, we aim to develop a finite element method-based simulation module implemented with parallel computing techniques, for solving the dynamic response of crust, soil, and structure models. This module is intended to be used for studying earthquake cases in the Philippines.
Research Report:
The research work conducted under the guidance of Prof. Tsuyoshi Ichimura and Assoc.
Prof. Kohei Fujita of the Research Center for Computational Earth Science aimed on improving
the computational performance of developed solvers for use in high fidelity ground
motion simulation and structure response analysis. The specific works included (1) implementing
a matrix storage format to efficiently perform matrix operations for 3D problems,
(2) implementing GPU computing in the Conjugate Gradient (CG) solver, and (3) testing
the improved solver for the target computational cost. The improvement in the solvers
were tailored to the available GPU resources in the Philippines. With continuous development,
physics-based solvers for earthquake engineering applications will soon be ported and
optimized in the said computing resources.
The research work conducted under the guidance of Prof. Tsuyoshi Ichimura and Assoc.
Prof. Kohei Fujita of the Research Center for Computational Earth Science aimed on improving
the computational performance of developed solvers for use in high fidelity ground
motion simulation and structure response analysis. The specific works included (1) implementing
a matrix storage format to efficiently perform matrix operations for 3D problems,
(2) implementing GPU computing in the Conjugate Gradient (CG) solver, and (3) testing
the improved solver for the target computational cost. The improvement in the solvers
were tailored to the available GPU resources in the Philippines. With continuous development,
physics-based solvers for earthquake engineering applications will soon be ported and
optimized in the said computing resources.
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Fiscal Year: 2022
Fiscal Year: 2022