Institute: University of Nevada Reno
Title: Associate Professor
Country/Region: USA
Period: 2018/05/22 ~ 2018/08/20
Theme: Advancing Knowledge in Soil-Structure-Interaction and Validation of Three-Dimensional Simulations Utilizing Instrumented Nuclear Structure Data in Japan
Host: Muneo HORI
Introduction: I am an Assistant Professor in the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department at University of Nevada Reno in the US. My main areas of research are nonlinear site response analysis using advanced computational tools and validations using geotechnical downhole arrays; soil-structure-interaction modeling and validations using instrumented building data; shake table tests on the response of shallow and deep foundations in liquefied soils and mitigation measures. I received my PhD in 2007 at the University of Tokyo and my research was focused on the behavior of pile foundations in liquefied soils using shake table tests.
Fiscal Year: 2018