Title: Full Professor
Country/Region: Chile
Period: 2022/8/1-2023/1/31
Theme: Potential Use of New Techniques for Building Structural Health Monitoring in a High Seismic Environment
Host: Koichi KUSUNOKI
Introduction: Introduction: I am Professor at University of Chile with a PhD from University California at Berkeley. My plan is to work with Dr. Kusunoki to evaluate and implement strategies for structural health monitoring using the existing acceleration data and expand it with new technologies based on computer vision and drones (UAV). Areas of research are a combination of video and accelerometer information, use of web or drone cameras for deformation, in a particular selection of the minimum number of visual tracking points/sensors to identify and locate damage, drift determination in building structures, use of residual displacement as an indicator of severe damage, detecting minor damage under the effect of varying ambient conditions.
Research Report:
Potential Use of New Techniques for Building Structural Health Monitoring in a
High Seismic Environment
Ruben L. Boroschek (rborosch@uchile.cl)
Long-Term Visiting Professor August 1, 2022 – January 31, 2023
During my stay at the Earthquake Research Institute (ERI) I worked at Kusunoki Laboratory. My
research focused on the evaluation and implementation of strategies for structural health
monitoring (SHM) using the existing acceleration data and expanding it with new technologies
based on computer vision (CV) and drones (UAV). Special attention was give to the
combination of video and accelerometer information, use of web or drone cameras for
deformation determination, in a particular selection of the minimum number of visual tracking
points/sensors to identify and locate damage, drift estimation in building structures, use of
residual displacement as an indicator of severe damage, detecting minor damage under the
effect of varying ambient conditions. As part of this work, I continue developing a reference book
on computer vision methods in civil structural health monitoring.
High Seismic Environment
Ruben L. Boroschek (rborosch@uchile.cl)
Long-Term Visiting Professor August 1, 2022 – January 31, 2023
During my stay at the Earthquake Research Institute (ERI) I worked at Kusunoki Laboratory. My
research focused on the evaluation and implementation of strategies for structural health
monitoring (SHM) using the existing acceleration data and expanding it with new technologies
based on computer vision (CV) and drones (UAV). Special attention was give to the
combination of video and accelerometer information, use of web or drone cameras for
deformation determination, in a particular selection of the minimum number of visual tracking
points/sensors to identify and locate damage, drift estimation in building structures, use of
residual displacement as an indicator of severe damage, detecting minor damage under the
effect of varying ambient conditions. As part of this work, I continue developing a reference book
on computer vision methods in civil structural health monitoring.
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Fiscal Year: 2022
Fiscal Year: 2022